Propertified Propertified Propertified Propertified Propertified Propertified Propertified Propertified Propertified

I am very grateful that I got this opportunity to work with Lawsisto, even if for a very brief period of one month, I have gained an immense amount of experience in researching articles, writing, and posting them. It has been a pleasure working with Lawsisto because of the guided assistance of the seniors and the constant feedback and support made it a lot easier. The hard work and dedication of the other interns and seniors helped in keeping me motivated and by the end of the internship I can most definitely say that I have gained some really important skills like research and writing and got a great chance to hone them as well. By the end of this internship, I can say that I've become more confident about my writing. The system with which lawsisto operates is very organized and I look forward to working with them again sometime in the future.

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20 Sep 2020


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