(U.P. Act No. IX of 1990)
(As passed by the U.P. Legislature)
An Act Further to amend the Uttar Pradesh Shri Badrinath and Shri kedarnath Temple Act, 1939.
It is hereby enacted in the forty-first year of the Republic or India as follows:-
1. Short title and commencement-(1) This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh Shri Badrinath and Shri Kedarnath Temples (Amendment) Act, 1990;
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on March 29, 1990.
2. Amendment of Section 11 of U.P. Act No. 16 of 1939:- In section 11 of the Uttar Pradesh Shri Badrinath and Shri Kedarnath Temples Act, 1939, here in after referred to as the principal Act, in subsection(3), in the second proviso, for the word and figures “June 30, 1991” shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have been substituted on June 30, 1989.
3. Repeal and saving:- (1) The Uttar Pradesh Shri Badrinath and Shri Kedarnath Temples (Amendment) Ordinance, 1990 is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the provisions of the principal Act, as amended by the Ordinance referred to in sub-section (1), shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of the principal Act, as amended by this Act, as if the provisions of this Act were in force at all material times.