Applicant’s Name.
Father’s Name.
Applicant’s Profession.
Applicant’s Address.
How long the Applicant has been Trading in Foodgrains /Particulars to be given for each kind of Foodgrains.
Whether at any time between 1943 and 1954 the Applicant held a Licence under the Assam Foodgrains Control Order / Assam Foodstuffs (Foodgrains) Control order, 1953 and Procurement and Licensing Control Order, 1952 and the Assam Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) Order, 1961.
Applicant’s place (s) of business and Area in which he wishes to operate. In case or application for Licence to purchase Foodgrains, the names of the place of Head Office and Branch Offices already in existence or proposed to be opened should be separately stated.
The Names and Addresses of the Agents who the Applicant wishes to engage, the Areas wherein they will operate, the Location of their Godowns and the minimum quantity to be stored by each at a time.
Quantities of each kind of Foodgrains handled annually during the last 5 years. If the applicant is a Licence holder under any Foodgrains Control order, the number of Licence, if not, in what capacity he had been trading in Foodgrains in the past.
Name if Foodgrains in respect of which Licence is required and the kind of Licence asked for.
Whether the applicant was refused any Licence before? If so, particulars with date or Order to be furnished.
Whether the Applicant has obtained Trading Licence from the District Council or other appropriate Authority (copy to be enclosed). This is applicable to Non ? Tribals only.
I declare that the following quantities of Foodgrains are in my possession this day and are held are Place (s) noted against them:-
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
_____________________ .
I hereby carefully read the provision of the Meghalaya Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) Order, 1985 and the conditions of the Licence and I agree to abode by them. The information given above is, to the best of my knowledge and belief correct. I agree to abide by them.
Subject to the Provisions of the Meghalaya Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) Order, 1985, and to the terms and conditions of this Licence _____, is / are hereby authorised to purchase, sell or storage for sale, the under mentioned Foodgrains.
The Licensee shall carry on the aforesaid business at the following Place (s).
Foodgrains in which the aforesaid business is to be carried on shall not be stored at any place other than any of the Godowns mentioned below:-
If the Licensee intends storing his Foodgrains in places other than those specified above, he shall give prior intimation thereof and shall produce the Licence for making requisite changes by the Licensing Authority.
The Licensee shall store ________ Tonnes of Foodgrains.
The Licensee shall, except when specially exempted by the Govt. or by the Licensing Authority in this behalf maintain a Register a Daily Accounts for each of the Foodgrains mentioned in Paragraph ? 1, showing correctly:-
the Opening Stock of each Day;
the quantities received on each day showing the place from where and the source from which received;
the quantities delivered or otherwise removed on each day showing the places of destination; and
the closing stock on each day;
The Licensee shall complete his Accounts for each day on the day to which they relate, unless prevented by reasonable cause the burden of proving of which shall be upon him.
Separate Registers should be maintained for Khandsari Sugar.
The Licensee shall, except when specially exempted by the Govt. or by an Officer Authorised by the Govt. in this behalf, submit to the Licensing Authority concerned a true return, in Form ? “III (i), III (ii), III (iii) ", of the stocks, receipts and deliveries of each of the Foodgrains quarter or year so as to reach him within seven days after the close of the Month.
The Licensee shall not contravene the Provision of the Meghalaya Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) Order, 1974, or any other Order relating to Foodstuffs issued under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955).
The Licensee shall not contravene the Provision of any Law relating to Foodstuffs for the time being in force.
The Licensee shall not:-
Enter into any transaction involving purchase, sale or storage for sale of Foodgrains in speculative manner prejudicial to the maintenance and easy availability of Foodgrains in the Market;
Withhold from sale supplies of Foodgrains ordinarily kept sale; or
Charge, in respect of sale of Foodgrains made by him Margin of Profit in excess of the rate fixed by the Govt.
The Licensee shall exhibit at the entrance of some prominent place of his business premises, the price list of Foodgrains held by him fore sale. Such Price List shall be legibly written in the principal language of the location concerned. It shall indicate separately the pieces of different varieties of Foodgrains.
The Licensee, if he is a Wholesaler shall sell Foodgrains only to Retailers who are Registered with him and / or in accordance with such directions as the Licensing Authority or any Officer Authorised by that Authority in his behalf, may give from time to time. The Registers of Retailers shall be in Form ? IV.
The Licensee shall except when specially exempted by the Govt. or by the Licensing Authority in this behalf issued to every Customer a correct Receipt or invoice, as the case may be by giving his own Name, Address and Licence Number (if any) of the Customer, the Date of transaction the quantity sold, the price per quintal and the total amount charged and shall keep a Duplicate of the same to be available for Inspection on demand by the Licensing Authority or any Officer Authorised by it in this behalf under Clause ? 18 of Meghalaya Foodgrains [ Licensing and Control ] Order, 1985.
The Licensee shall give all facilities at all reasonable time to the Licensing Authority or any Officer Authorised by it to the Govt. Clause ? 18 of Meghalaya Foodgrains [ Licensing and Control ] Order, 1985, for the Inspec6tiopn of his stocks and Accounts at any Shop Godowns or other place used by him for the storage, sale or purchase of Foodgrains and of the taking samples of Foodgrains for examination.
Every Licensee shall take adequate measure to ensure that Foodgrains stored by him are maintained in proper condition and that damages to Foodgrains due to ground moisture, rain, insect, birds, fire and such other causes are avoided. Suitable dunnage shall be used to avoid damaged from ground moisture and Foodgrains shall be fumigated with Chemicals approved for the purpose by Persons who have undergone practical training in that regard. The Licensee shall also ensure that Fertilizers, insecticides and Poisonous Foodgrains in the same likely to contaminate Foodgrains are not stored alongwith Foodgrains in the same Godowns or in immediate just position of Foodgrains stocks.
The Licensee shall, comply with any direction that may be given to him by the Govt. or Licensing Authority or any other Officer Authorised in regard to purchase, sale and storage for sale of Foodgrains and in regard to the language in which the Register, Returns, Receipts or invoices mentioned in Paragraph ? “3, 4, 8, 9, and 10, shall be written and the authentication and maintenance of the Register mentioned In paragraph ? 3 and 9.
The Licensee shall in case where he functions in a regulated Market abide by such instructions relating to his business premises given by the marketing Authority having jurisdiction, and in any other case by such body as may be recognised by the Govt. in this behalf.
The Licensee shall not sell or offer to sell in any location any Foodgrains at a Price higher than that fixed for sale of that Foodgrains in such locality by the Central Govt. or by the Govt. of Meghalaya in pursuance of any power conferred Law.
The Licensee is allowed to purchase Foodgrains through the following Agents operating Area noted against each.
Agent’s Name/Father’s Name and Address
Area of operation
Location of Godown
Quantity to be stored
____________ .
____________ .
____________ .
The Licensee shall be attached to any Application for Renewal.
The Licence shall be valid upto ______ 20.