Agreement for display of advertisement on VIDEO-Film
An agreement made the _________dayof_______ 20____ between [owner of copyrights of video film entitled ‘’____’’] of etc. (hereinafter called the owners) of the one part and [advertiser or advertising agent] of etc. (hereinafter called the advertisers) of the other part.
It is hereby agreed as follows:-
1. In consideration of the advertisers agreeing to pay the owner the charges hereinafter reserved the owner agrees to display on the video film entitled ‘’_____” of which they are the owners of Copyright, the advertisements commercials the copy of which has been duly approved and signed by the authorised representatives of both the parties and shall from part of this agreement.
2. The exhibition of the advertisement commercials specified in this agreement shall be subject to the approval of any statutory authority who controls the previewing and censorship on video advertisements commercials and display.
3. The said video advertisements commercials shall be exhibited at stated intervals as the circumstances may permit during the exhibition of the main film, provided however, the duration of each commercial display shall not be less than 90 seconds.
4. The advertisements shall pay for such exhibition of the video advertisements commercial the sum of Rs____ (Rupees____) only and such payment shall be made in advance on or before execution of this agreement.
5. If on the account of any restriction imposed by any statutory authority the exhibition of the video advertisement commercial cannot be displayed, no claim whatsoever by way of compensation shall be made by the advertisers in respect of such default or failure of the owners.
6. The advertisers will indemnify the owners against all actions, costs, claims and demands in respect of air infringement of copyright, trademark, patent or other rights whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the exhibition of the said video advertisement commercial and against all actions, costs, claims and demands in respect of the dramatic, literary and artistic work and music and/ or performers’ services used in the said Video advertisement commercial.
7. 7. Non-execution or delay in the execution of this agreement by the owners which may be due to war, fire, look-out, or any other cause beyond the control of the owners, shall not entitle the advertisers for compensation or rebate or abatement on the amount agreed to be paid under this agreement.
[Signature of parties]