Realisation of Fine
Whereas I (name), inhabitant of (place), have been sentenced to pay a fine of Rupees _________and in default of payment thereof to undergo imprisonment for _________ and whereas the Court has been pleased to order my release on condition of my executing a bond for my appearance on the following date (or dates), namely:
I hereby bind myself to appear before the Court of _________ at _________ o’clock on the following date (or dates), namely:
and, in case of making default herein, I bind myself to forfeit to Government the sum of Rupees:
Dated this _________day of _________, 20 _________
(Where a Bond with Sureties is to be Executed, and _________)
We do hereby declare ourselves sureties for the above-named that he will appear before the Court of _________on the following date (or dates), namely:
and, in case of his making default therein, we bind ourselves jointly and severally to forfeit to Government the sum of Rupees_________