WHEREAS I, the declarant and my husband have two daughters by me, namely
1). _____________________ and
2). ______________________
and my husband died leaving will whereby I have been made by the will of God, leaving me as an heiress. All the sold legatee in respect of all his movable and immovable properties including household furniture’s, ready money, grain, ornaments set with precious stones, plates, weapons, woollen stuff, silk, garments and all other personal effects which are held by me, without the partnership and possession of any other individual.
Whereas _____________ my daughter has got no son, and ______________ my daughter, has got a son, by name _______________ and consequently as I have no son, according to the Shastra the said ______________ my daughter’s son, is the heir of my husband and myself, and he has been performing the sacred duties as of a son for my husband and myself.
Notwithstanding this, with a view to completion I (with the permission my husband) do hereby declare and give in writing that all the movable and immovable properties including household furniture’s, ready money, grain, ornaments set with precious stones, plates, weapons, woolen stuff, silk, garments and all other personal effects left by my husband and owned and held by me and debts and dues of my husband and myself shall devolve after my death upon the said ______________.
I, the declarant, shall till the end of my life hold possession, as I have heretofore done, without the partnership and possession of any other individual, and shall perform acts of charity and shall receive maintenance.
After my death the said _____________ shall enter into possession and enjoy all the profits of all the properties movable and immovable, personal and standing in my own name (cash and household effects), etc. left by my husband and by me, to which no one shall have any right, demand, or dispute.
Dated __________________________
(Signature of Testatrix)