THIS DEED OF AGREEMENT is made the ______ day of ________, 20 _____, BETWEEN................................. and...........................AND WITNESSES as follows
That each of the said ................................... and ............................. do hereby agree with the others of them, jointly and severally, in the manner following, that is to say:
That the said ........................... and ......................... will remain and continue partners together in the said trade or business of ________ for the further term of________ years to be counted from the ________. day of ________, 20 ________, the day on which the original deed of partnership shall expire, upon such and the same terms and conditions, and with, under and subject to such and the same covenants, provisions, and agreements as are expressed and contained in the said original deed of partnership to which this agreement is appended, and to which the said partners hereto, their respective legal representatives would have been subject or liable, if the said deed of partnership and the partnership thereby created, and the several covenants, declarations, provisions and agreements therein mentioned and contained had been made or entered into for the term of ten years instead of the term of five years.
IN WITNESS whereof the said .................................. and ........................... have hereto at ________ by way of a supplementary deed executed these presents on the day and the year first abovementioned and appended the same to the original deed of partnership, dated ________
Sd. ................
Sd. ................
Sd. ...............