Amit Srivastava Advocate & Associates (21 Years Exp)

  High Court-Other (Show More)   

 Aliganj (Lucknow), Lucknow

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Law Firm Name : Amit Srivastava Advocate & Associates

Country : India

City : Lucknow

Area : Aliganj (Lucknow)


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Practicing Since :  2004

Qualification : Law Honours


Amit Srivastava Advocate & Associates

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Subject :  Regarding payment of wages by government.

Question :  Sir I am a government teacher working in a school .Government has not paid us our monthly salary alongwith other employees citing budget shortage.It has been more than 4 months that we have not been paid salary inspite of giving notices through our teachers union.Sir ,what action can we take regarding this?

Answer by Amit Srivastava Advocate & Associates :  File service writ in high court

Subject :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and people worship with pooja on specific days of the week. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Question :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and I worship with pooja on specific days of the week where general public join. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Answer by Amit Srivastava Advocate & Associates :  You can protect your by submitting PIL before the high court

Subject :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and people worship with pooja on specific days of the week. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Question :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and I worship with pooja on specific days of the week where general public join. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Answer by Amit Srivastava Advocate & Associates :  You can protect your by submitting PIL before the high court


Question :   How i can prove the maintainability of my second time complaint in NCDRC in medical negligence case which has been admitted already and when all the paper procedure is completed and case is mature for final argument. But the court is asking now to prove the maintainability.

Answer by Amit Srivastava Advocate & Associates :  In the same matter you can't place second complaint without court permission, if you taken permission in disposal of first complaint to file second complaint. You can call me at 8009522228 & 9453133138