Ashutosh Yadav  (11 Years Exp)

  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authorit (Show More)   

 Burari , North Delhi

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Law Firm Name : Ashutosh Yadav

Country : India

City : North Delhi

Area : Burari


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Practicing Since :  2014

Qualification : Llb


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Enrolment No Enrolment State Enrolment BAR
D/4382/2014 Delhi BCD


 Consumer,Product&Service Liability

 Criminal Law

 Family & Divorce

 High Courts (India)

 Motor Vehicles

 Supreme Court (India)



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Subject :  Homosexuality

Question :  What charges can we try on the doctor who claims to cure homosexuality?

Answer by Ashutosh Yadav :  The best you can do is to claim damages in case if he fails to keep his promises.

Subject :  May a Person who is chargesheetd file anticipatory bail application.

Question :  Case Law of Shashi Tharoor in Sunanda Pushkar sucide case applicable after chargesheet.

Answer by Ashutosh Yadav :  In ordinary course, person charge sheeted should move regular bail.

Subject :  Appeal in Supreme Court

Question :  I had filed a medical negligence case in NCDRC, first complaint (CC) In NCDRC in 2016. Which was decided and the judgment was pronounced in November 2019, which was received by me in last week of December 2019. Against that judgment I had filed a Review Application in NCDRC in the month of January which was decided and judgment was pronounced and I received the judgment copy on 29th February. Now I want to know how I can appeal in Supreme Court? Whether I have to file a Civil Appeal in Supreme Court or I have to file a SLP in Supreme Court? If I want to file a Civil Appeal then I have to file the Civil Appeal against the NCDRC main judgment or I have to file the Civil Appeal against the NCDRC Review Application judgment? What is the limitation period to file an appeal in Supreme Court under Civil Appeal? What is the Limitation period to file an appeal in Supreme Court under SLP

Answer by Ashutosh Yadav :  Civil appeal would be the recourse to supreme court if it is CC at NCDRC. Limitation period would be 30 days. Time sough in obtaining the certified copy of the order shall be excluded. Both the orders would be under challenge.

Subject :  Nsqf vocational trainer in delhi govt schools appointed by companies not get any revision sice last 5 years . Neither get salary on time and now contract terminated on 31/03/20 What to do and which provision of law can help???

Question :  Nsqf vocational traine appointed in delhi government school under central scheme of vocationalisation of education..they never get salary on time, their salary not revised since last five years, all are masters and have experience of industries and get salary of 17900 in cash, not terminated their contract on 31 march 2020..they given their peak carreer time ..What to do

Answer by Ashutosh Yadav :  From your query it appears that your job was purely on the contractual basis. Further details are required for better assistance. Get me back at, 9454600031.

Subject :  Does petty cases affects the eligibility of government gobs?

Question :  Does petty cases affects the eligibility of government jobs?

Answer by Ashutosh Yadav :  It might affect if the said offence comes under the category of the moral turpitude.

Subject :  I need to know can I file appeal in supreme Court

Question :  My case pending in allahabad high court since 2001 . I aggrieved by ex party and I need to know can I file appeal in supreme Court

Answer by Ashutosh Yadav :  You can file SLP once the appeal is disposed off at High Court. You can reach us at 955448580 for further assistance

Subject :  A consumer filed a complaint against the opposite party infront of State Commission and the judgement was in his favour of the consumer. Now the opposite party filed an appeal in the NCDRC but it's pending and stay on the state commission judgement has been taken. Now the consumer wants to withdraw the original complaint which was filed in the state commission. Is it possible?

Question :  A consumer filed a complaint against the opposite party infront of State Commission and the judgement was in his favour of the consumer. Now the opposite party filed an appeal in the NCDRC but it's pending and stay on the state commission judgement has been taken. Now the consumer wants to withdraw the original complaint which was filed in the state commission. Is it possible?

Answer by Ashutosh Yadav :  No.