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Retd Judge Served as Civil Judge Junior and Senior. Practising Lawyer, KARNATAKA LAW JOURNAL, ENQUIRY OFFICER FOR BESCOM, WONDER LA. Working as Head Noter for reputed Law Publishers and read and prepared Head Notes for 1000's of judgments of Supreme Court and different High Courts.

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Subject :  regarding 2005 amendment in hindu succession act

Question :  sir, I am a hindu and i want to know women born before and married before can also lawfully claim for partition in joint family property.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Section 6(5) in The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (5) Nothing contained in this section shall apply to a partition, which has been effected before the 20th day of December, 2004. Explanation. —For the purposes of this section “partition” means any partition made by execution of a deed of partition duly registered under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908) or partition effected by a decree of a court.] Statement of Objects and Reasons [The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005] Section 6 of the Act deals with devolution of interest of a male Hindu in coparcenary property and recognises the rule of devolution by survivorship among the members of the coparcenary. The retention of the Mitakshara coparcenary property without including the females in it means that the females cannot inherit in ancestral property as their male counterparts do. The law by excluding the daughter from participating in the coparcenary ownership not only contributes to her discrimination on the ground of gender but also has led to oppression and negation of her fundamental right of equality guaranteed by the Constitution having regard to the need to render social justice to women, the States of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra have made necessary changes in the law giving equal right to daughters in Hindu Mitakshara coparcenary property. The Kerala Legislature has enacted the Kerala Joint Hindu Family System (Abolition) Act, 1975. It is proposed to remove the discrimination as contained in section 6 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 by giving equal rights to daughters in the Hindu Mitakshara coparcenary property as the sons have. State Amendment Sections 6A to 6C Karnataka: After section 6 the following sections shall be inserted, namely:— "6A. Equal rights to daugher in co-parcenary property.— Notwithstanding anything contained in section 6 of this Act— (a) in a joint Hindu family governed by Mitakshara law, the daughter of a co-parcener shall by birth become a co-parcener in her own right in the same manner as the son and have the same rights in the co-parcenary property as she would have had if she had been a son inclusive of the right to claim by survivorship and shall be subject to the same liabilities and disabilities in respect thereto as the son; (b) at a partition in such a joint Hindu family the co-parcenary property shall be so divided as to allot to a daughter the same share as is allotable to a son: Provided that the share which a predeceased son or a predeceased daughter would have got at the partition if he or she had been alive at the time of the partition, shall be allotted to the surviving child of such predeceased son or of such predeceased daughter: Provided further that the share allotable to the predeceased child of a predeceased son or of a predeceased daughter, if such child had been alive at the time of the partition, shall be allotted to the child of such predeceased child of the predeceased son or of such predeceased daughter, as the case may be; (c) any property to which a female Hindu becomes entitled by virtue of the provisions of clause (a) shall be held by her with the incidents of co-parcenary ownership and shall be regarded, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other law for the time being in force, as property capable of being disposed of by her by will or other testamentary disposition; (d) nothing in clause (b) shall apply to a daughter married prior to or to a partition which had been effected before the commencement of Hindu Succession (Karnataka Amendment) Act, 1990.



Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Yes, but subject some restrictions state in the RTI Act itself. Usually the officers take shelter under such provisions and reject your request then you have to go in appeal. Try any how, there are chances of getting copies.

Subject :  How to deal with case if wife filed case under section 341 against me

Question :  How to deal with case if wife filed case under section 341 against me

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear friend, It is very simple offence and usually it cannot be proved by the complainant. It is dispute between husband and wife, so the court will dismiss such case and acquit your. Section 341 in The Indian Penal Code 341. Punishment for wrongful restraint.—Whoever wrongfully restrains any person shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both.

Subject :  Basic inquiry required

Question :  what is dowry ? and what we can do for dowry harassment ? (Hindu Religion)

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  The dowry system in India[1] refers to the durable goods, cash, and real or movable property that the bride's family gives to the bridegroom, his parents, or his relatives as a condition of the marriage.[2] It is essentially in the nature of a payment in cash or some kind of gifts given to the bridegroom's family along with the bride and includes cash, jewellery, electrical appliances, furniture, bedding, crockery, utensils and other household items that help the newlyweds set up their home.[3] Dowry is referred to as Jahez in Arabic (derived from Islamic jahez-e-fatimi).[4] In far eastern parts of India, dowry is called Aaunnpot.[5] Wedding gifts for the son of the Imam of Delhi, India, with soldiers and 2000 guests The dowry system is thought to put great financial burden on the bride's family.[6] In some cases, the dowry system leads to crime against women, ranging from emotional abuse and injury to even deaths.[7] The payment of dowry has long been prohibited under specific Indian laws including the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 and subsequently by Sections 304B and 498A[8] of the Indian Penal Code.

Subject :  Protection for the employees from management

Question :  My manager tortures me interms of productivity and speaks very rudely and commanding for which I do not have a proof how can I be helped here

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Friend First now on wards try to collect evidence then lodge complaint with higher ups thereafter if you feel necessary also lodge complaint with police.

Subject :  Injuction order for the agriculture land

Question :  I have Agriculture land and neighbours trying to encroaching and disturbing for peaceful enjoyment and possession and therefore given the police compliant, whereas, the police sub inspector asking to obtain the Injuction order and then put the fencing . for getting the injunction order for the agriculture land what is the court fee. The Land value would approx Rs. 10 Lakhs.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear friend, You can get injunction provided you have proper documents of title. Better you come to my office at No.74, 1st Floor, 6th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore. Police have not jurisdiction over civil disputes.

Subject :  How to deal with case if wife filed case under section 341 against me

Question :  How to deal with case if wife filed case under section 341 against me

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, It is very simple case. Come to my office in Bangalore and get suggestions. 341. Punishment for wrongful restraint.—Whoever wrongfully restrains any person shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both.

Subject :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Question :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear friend, If your security deposit is not returned till today then approach me.

Subject :  Cheque payment stopped by drawer

Question :  Sir My cheque payment is stopped by drawer . this cheque is given as a proof of money that borrowing for some time but after a long my money don't returned .

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You get issue a legal notice and file a case. Please clarify all your doubts in the following FAQs Cheque bounce FAQs 1. In which court do I need to file the complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act in case drawer did not pay after receiving notice? A complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act can be filed in any competent court in whose jurisdiction any of the following acts have occurred: a) Place of drawing of the cheque, b) Address of bank where cheque was presented (holders bank address), c) Address of bank where cheque is payable (drawers bank address) d) Place from where notice was received by drawer of cheque a. It is possible that each of these four acts could have occurred at different localities. The complainant can choose any one the above places to determine jurisdiction of court where they wish to file complaint. 2. What can I do if it has been more than 30 days since I received information of dishonour of cheque? If the cheque is still valid i.e. 3 months (currently) have not passed from the date of its issue, you can represent the cheque again to your banker as there is no restriction regarding the number of times a cheque can be presented and that every subsequent representation and dishonour gives rise to fresh cause of action for filing complaint. It may be noted that once a notice for payment is given then the holder must file a complaint under Section 138 N.I. Act within 30 days from expiry of notice period as a fresh cause of action will not arise if the cheque is presented again and it is dishonoured and failure to file complaint will lead to loss of remedy available under Section 138 N.I. Act. 3. How long after notice has been served can I file a case against the drawer? After giving notice you need to file a complaint case against drawer under Section 138 N.I. Act within 30 days from the expiry of notice period i.e. 15 days. In other words you need to file complaint case against drawer within 45 days (15+30) from the date of issue of notice. Failure to do so will lead to loss of remedy under Section 138 N.I. Act; however, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque. 4. What can I do if I do not have the drawer's address? You need the address of the drawer of cheque to issue notice as contemplated under provisions of N.I. Act; also the address is necessary if you wish to avail other legal remedies available to you. You can send the notice to the last known address. In case the address of the drawer has changed and the drawer has not left a forwarding address and the notice is returned with the noting that addressee is not available at the address or addressee has left without leaving a forwarding address then you need to file a complaint case after 15 days (notice period) of receipt of such information or returned notice and within 30 days from expiry of notice period. Failure to do so will lead to loss of remedy under Section 138 N.I. Act; however, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque 5. What should I do if the notice was returned and could not be served to the drawer? When a notice is returned to the sender as unclaimed or with the noting that addressee is not available at the address or addressee has left without leaving a forwarding address then the date of receipt of such information or returned notice would be the commencing date for the notice period of 15 days. Complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act must be filed within 30 days from expiry of notice period. Such reckoning would be without prejudice to the right of the drawer of the cheque to show that he had no knowledge that the notice was brought to his address or previous address. 6. Can Mohan Law Chambers assist in drafting of legal notice as required by Section 138 of N.I. Act.? Yes, Mohan law Chambers offers assistance in drafting of legal notice as required by Section 138 of N.I. Act. 7. How long after receiving information of dishonour of cheque do I have to serve notice to the drawer? You need to serve a legal notice to drawer of cheque demanding payment of cheque amount within 30 days of the receipt of information from your banker regarding dishonour of cheque under Section 138 N.I. Act. 8. What if the cheque was given for a reason other than to discharge a legally enforceable debt or other liability? In cases where cheque was given for a reason other than to discharge a legally enforceable debt or other liability, the provisions of Section 138 N.I. Act are not applicable e.g. Cheque given as Gift, in charity, donation etc. 9. Can a cheque issued in security attract offence under Section 138 N.I. Act? With respect to the dishonour of cheques given as security, legal position is not very clear. It is subject to presumption and proof thereof that may be given by either party in support of their case. High Court of Delhi in the case of M/s Datt Enterprises ltd. vs. V.K.Dua held that the security cheque does not attract the provisions of Section 138 N.I. Act., if cheques were given as a security cheque as per past practice and pending reconciliation of accounts and not towards discharge of any liability. 10. What is a legally enforceable debt or other liability? Legally enforceable debt or other liability should be such which is contracted in accordance with law and which is not opposed to public policy viz., wagering contracts, debt obtained for running brothel or gambling house etc. 11. What is Section 138 N.I. Act and why is remedy available under it preferable to remedy available under other laws? a. Section 138 N.I. Act was made to provide an additional criminal remedy over and above the civil remedies available; to provide a speedy and effective remedy to holder of dishonoured cheque. b. Summary suit for recovery of money takes time (approximately 3 to 5 years) and criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. does not provide any provision for recovery of money and is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque who entertains dishonest intention to cheat. 12. What is a summary suit for recovery of money? Summary suit is a civil legal proceeding initiated for recovery of money due under any written agreement, cheque etc. These proceedings are different from normal recovery suit, as here the liability to prove that petitioner is not liable to recover any amount is on defendant for which he needs to obtain leave to defend from the court. 13. What is the validity of the cheque in day to day business? The current validity of cheques is 6 months. However, please note that from April 1, 2012. The validity will change to three months as per recent directive of RBI (under Sec. 35A, Banking Regulation Act, 1949) 14. What can I do if a cheque given to me has been dishonoured? a. The holder of a cheque that has been dishonoured can seek remedy in the following manner: i) Action under Section 138 Negotiable Instruments Act (N.I. Act): Give notice under within 30 days of receipt of information of dishonour from the bank. In case of non- payment by the drawer within the notice period of 15 days, then the holder must institute a complaint case for prosecuting drawer within 30 days of expiry of notice period. ii) Civil Action as Summary Suit: Issue notice within 3 years from issue date of cheque and institute a summary suit for recovery of cheque amount along with interest and legal expenses. The notice can also be used while filing summary suit for recovery of money. iii) Criminal Action: Initiate criminal proceedings by filing complaint under Section 420 Indian Penal Code (I.P.C.) within 3 years from issue date of cheque. Please note that there is no provision for recovery of money under Section 420 I.P.C. and this section is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque when dishonest intent to cheat in inferred. 15. What documents / evidences do I need at the time of filing complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act? You will need at the minimum, the following: a) Proof of service of notice - receipt of postal department / courier b) Copy of notice c) Cheque in original 16. What can I do if I do not file a complaint within 30 days from expiry of notice period? If you have not filed a complaint case within 30 days after expiry of notice period, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from the date of issue of cheque. 17. What can I do if it has been more than 30 days since I received information of dishonour of cheque and 6 months has passed from the date of issue of cheque? a. Other remedies are also available to recover the cheque amount. You can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque. In case the cheque was never presented during its validity period then a summary suit is the only available remedy for recovery of money. (Notice can be given to drawer up to 3 years from date of issue of cheque for instituting a summary suit for recovery of money. Criminal proceedings for prosecution of drawer can also be instituted within 3 years from date of issue of cheque under Section 420 I.P.C.) 18. The drawer is asking me to settle the claim at a reduced value. What should I do? Its up to you to settle the claim at a reduced value as the same will save your precious time, as well as legal hassle. Now-a-days courts are also encouraging amicable settlement between the parties. However, if you settle the dishonoured cheque amount at a reduced value, you will lose all remedies available under law. 19. What remedy do I have if the drawer delays in settling after conviction? In a recent 2010 judgement, Supreme Court has laid strict rules to deal with such delaying tactics. Delay in settling cheques bounced will cost up to 20% of the cheque amount post-conviction. This is detailed as: 10% at District Court level; 15% at the High Court level; and up to 20% at the Supreme Court level. For e.g., Defaulter going for settlement will have to pay 10% of the cheque amount to avoid going to the jail. 20. Can I recover interest and legal expenses from the drawer of the dishonoured cheque? Yes, you can recover interest and legal expenses from the drawer of the dishonoured cheque in a summary suit for recovery of money, but not in the proceedings initiated under Section 138 N.I. Act. However, under Section 138 N.I. Act the award maybe higher than the cheque amount. 21. What should I do if the drawer does not make payment upon receipt of notice? You can adopt either or any of the remedies available to you: a) Can file a criminal complaint against drawer of cheque under Section 138 of N.I. Act. b) Can file a summary suit for recovery of money, interest and legal expenses. c) Can file a criminal complaint against drawer of cheque under Section 420 of I.P.C. Please note that there is no provision for recovery of money under Section 420 I.P.C. and this section is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque. In case a person has filed suit for recovery, then he is not precluded from filing a complaint under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act and Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code. The pendency of criminal matters would not be an impediment to proceeding with the civil suits.

Subject :  How to represent father in court he is a paralysis patient now

Question :  My father constructed a house in 1998. and left about 5 feet of place on the backside of my house due to vaastu. The person who is constructed house on our backside moved into our site. We make a petition in the court in the name of my father. but he attacked paralysis in 2015. He is unable to speak. I urged the court to allow me on behalf of my father. but they didn't allowed me. Is there any chance to attend the court on behalf of my father?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Take Special Power of Attorney of your father in your name and attend the court. If not allowed go to appellate Court.

Subject :  Was Working as a Medical Officer in Charitable hospital

Question :  Was working as a Medical officer in a charitable hospital since 8 years. Terminated from service without any reason nor given notice for termination. How do we proceed ?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You may get a legal notice and get the reasons know then we can sort out the forum. You will get relief. They cannot throw the employee like that.

Subject :  Non compete Agreement

Question :  My first employer has sued me and my last employer claiming the breach of non-competence, confidentiality and non-solicitation agreement. The court notice was not served to me, but from my last employer I came to know about the lawsuit. How should I proceed kn this situation.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You must engage a professional advocate in the filed. The law is as follows: ============================================================================================================================== The Indian courts have been reluctant to restrain the employee from joining a competitor/other employer ======================================================================================== Non compete clause, it is prohibited under the Law of Contracts. ====================================================================================== Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act-1872 provides that ”Every agreement by which anyone is restrained from exercising a lawful profession or trade or business of any kind, is to that extent void”. MORE GUIDANCE IN PERSON.

Subject :  Termination of Service

Question :  Was working as a Chief Medical Officer in a Charitable Hospital registered under the Societies Act for the past 9 years. I was given termination letter for my service , without any notice or any explanation called for. I have not acknowledged the notice/ letter. Please advise me as to what action I should take ?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You have to challenge the notice but the moment you receive the notice you will be out. so better file a WP restraining the management from taking any terminal step without due course of law.

Subject :  Termination

Question :  Was working in a charitable hospital as a Chief Medical Officer for the past 8 years, registered under Societies Act .Without any notice given or any explanation called for, I was given termination letter , for which I have not acknowledged. Please let me know what action should I take ?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  You may approach the High Court.

Subject :  Was Working as a Medical Officer in Charitable hospital

Question :  Was working as a Medical officer in a charitable hospital since 8 years. Terminated from service without any reason nor given notice for termination. How do we proceed ?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Please approach High Court

Subject :  Non compete Agreement

Question :  My first employer has sued me and my last employer claiming the breach of non-competence, confidentiality and non-solicitation agreement. The court notice was not served to me, but from my last employer I came to know about the lawsuit. How should I proceed kn this situation.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, The following section protects you. Please come to my office In Bengaluru. Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act-1872 provides that ”Every agreement by which anyone is restrained from exercising a lawful profession or trade or business of any kind, is to that extent void”.

Subject :  Name change

Question :  I want to change my name from Ashok Kumar tanti to Ashok Tayal. I have passport also and working person. PL let me know the formalities.I am general category and do not want any govt. Benefits.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, I am a lawyer by profession, and have followed the below given procedure for changing my own name. Let me use my experience to help you to change your own name. Follow the below given steps for changing your own name. Step 1 – Affidavit Go to you local Notary and make an affidavit regarding change of your name. You have to mention therein your specific reason for changing your name. For example, you may like to change your name after marriage (especially for women), due to astrological or numerological reasons or anything. Recently, one of my friends was going to start his own company who was locally famous in his nickname, and thus he changed his name from Rishabh Agarwal to Saurav Agarwal. Note: Here is your sample name change affidavit for reference. Tips: Make a few copies of your affidavit, and preserve the original one carefully. It’s better to scan it, and preserve its electronic copy on your external hard disk as well as on multiple computers. This affidavit can be used for changing your first or last name and also using the same, you can completely change your name (both first and last name, for example from Rishabh Agarwal to Saurav Verma). Step 2 – Newspaper Publication I, Sri ___________________ (old name) have changed my name from __________________ (old name) to ______________ (new name) by affidavit sworn before the Notary Public, ______________ (place) on ___________ (date). Henceforth, I shall be known as _________________ (New Name) for all purposes. ______________ (Name) and _______________ (Complete postal address). Full Signature Fill in the blanks with appropriate details and publish it in your local newspaper. Tips: You can choose any 2 local newspapers for publishing it. (No need for FrontPage coverage). Although you need only once copy but its better to get ten copies of that newspaper in which your statement is published and preserve it carefully, because it’s now a lifetime issue. It’s better to preserve both the hard and scanned copies of the newspaper. Step 3 – Gazette Notification Now for getting your name published in the Official Gazette of your state, for example: “The Delhi Gazette”, you need to do the following things: 1. Visit your local Government Press or the department that mobilizes Gazette notification. 2. Get 2 copies of “Deed Changing Surname Form”. (Fill this form carefully as per the instructions provided therein) 3. If possible get the phone number, or the mobile number of the person of that department who can help you for Gazette Notification. Verification You need to send the following documents to the Secretary, Department of Commerce & Transport (Commerce), _________________ (State). 1. Letter to the Secretary, requesting him to allow you to change your name. (Click here to view sample letter) 2. The “Deed Changing Surname Form” 3. 2 True copies of the newspapers in which your name change statement is published. 4. Attested copy of the Name Change Affidavit. 5. A print out of the statement in plain paper that you need to publish in your official Gazette. (Generally Same as your Newspaper Statement) 6. A Copy of your current identity like your Voter Identity Card, PAN Card, Birth Certificate, School or College Certificates and etc.

Subject :  Cheque payment stopped by drawer

Question :  Sir My cheque payment is stopped by drawer . this cheque is given as a proof of money that borrowing for some time but after a long my money don't returned .

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Cheque bounce FAQs 1. In which court do I need to file the complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act in case drawer did not pay after receiving notice? A complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act can be filed in any competent court in whose jurisdiction any of the following acts have occurred: a) Place of drawing of the cheque, b) Address of bank where cheque was presented (holders bank address), c) Address of bank where cheque is payable (drawers bank address) d) Place from where notice was received by drawer of cheque a. It is possible that each of these four acts could have occurred at different localities. The complainant can choose any one the above places to determine jurisdiction of court where they wish to file complaint. 2. What can I do if it has been more than 30 days since I received information of dishonour of cheque? If the cheque is still valid i.e. 3 months (currently) have not passed from the date of its issue, you can represent the cheque again to your banker as there is no restriction regarding the number of times a cheque can be presented and that every subsequent representation and dishonour gives rise to fresh cause of action for filing complaint. It may be noted that once a notice for payment is given then the holder must file a complaint under Section 138 N.I. Act within 30 days from expiry of notice period as a fresh cause of action will not arise if the cheque is presented again and it is dishonoured and failure to file complaint will lead to loss of remedy available under Section 138 N.I. Act. 3. How long after notice has been served can I file a case against the drawer? After giving notice you need to file a complaint case against drawer under Section 138 N.I. Act within 30 days from the expiry of notice period i.e. 15 days. In other words you need to file complaint case against drawer within 45 days (15+30) from the date of issue of notice. Failure to do so will lead to loss of remedy under Section 138 N.I. Act; however, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque. 4. What can I do if I do not have the drawer's address? You need the address of the drawer of cheque to issue notice as contemplated under provisions of N.I. Act; also the address is necessary if you wish to avail other legal remedies available to you. You can send the notice to the last known address. In case the address of the drawer has changed and the drawer has not left a forwarding address and the notice is returned with the noting that addressee is not available at the address or addressee has left without leaving a forwarding address then you need to file a complaint case after 15 days (notice period) of receipt of such information or returned notice and within 30 days from expiry of notice period. Failure to do so will lead to loss of remedy under Section 138 N.I. Act; however, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque 5. What should I do if the notice was returned and could not be served to the drawer? When a notice is returned to the sender as unclaimed or with the noting that addressee is not available at the address or addressee has left without leaving a forwarding address then the date of receipt of such information or returned notice would be the commencing date for the notice period of 15 days. Complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act must be filed within 30 days from expiry of notice period. Such reckoning would be without prejudice to the right of the drawer of the cheque to show that he had no knowledge that the notice was brought to his address or previous address. 6. Can Mohan Law Chambers assist in drafting of legal notice as required by Section 138 of N.I. Act.? Yes, Mohan law Chambers offers assistance in drafting of legal notice as required by Section 138 of N.I. Act. 7. How long after receiving information of dishonour of cheque do I have to serve notice to the drawer? You need to serve a legal notice to drawer of cheque demanding payment of cheque amount within 30 days of the receipt of information from your banker regarding dishonour of cheque under Section 138 N.I. Act. 8. What if the cheque was given for a reason other than to discharge a legally enforceable debt or other liability? In cases where cheque was given for a reason other than to discharge a legally enforceable debt or other liability, the provisions of Section 138 N.I. Act are not applicable e.g. Cheque given as Gift, in charity, donation etc. 9. Can a cheque issued in security attract offence under Section 138 N.I. Act? With respect to the dishonour of cheques given as security, legal position is not very clear. It is subject to presumption and proof thereof that may be given by either party in support of their case. High Court of Delhi in the case of M/s Datt Enterprises ltd. vs. V.K.Dua held that the security cheque does not attract the provisions of Section 138 N.I. Act., if cheques were given as a security cheque as per past practice and pending reconciliation of accounts and not towards discharge of any liability. 10. What is a legally enforceable debt or other liability? Legally enforceable debt or other liability should be such which is contracted in accordance with law and which is not opposed to public policy viz., wagering contracts, debt obtained for running brothel or gambling house etc. 11. What is Section 138 N.I. Act and why is remedy available under it preferable to remedy available under other laws? a. Section 138 N.I. Act was made to provide an additional criminal remedy over and above the civil remedies available; to provide a speedy and effective remedy to holder of dishonoured cheque. b. Summary suit for recovery of money takes time (approximately 3 to 5 years) and criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. does not provide any provision for recovery of money and is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque who entertains dishonest intention to cheat. 12. What is a summary suit for recovery of money? Summary suit is a civil legal proceeding initiated for recovery of money due under any written agreement, cheque etc. These proceedings are different from normal recovery suit, as here the liability to prove that petitioner is not liable to recover any amount is on defendant for which he needs to obtain leave to defend from the court. 13. What is the validity of the cheque in day to day business? The current validity of cheques is 6 months. However, please note that from April 1, 2012. The validity will change to three months as per recent directive of RBI (under Sec. 35A, Banking Regulation Act, 1949) 14. What can I do if a cheque given to me has been dishonoured? a. The holder of a cheque that has been dishonoured can seek remedy in the following manner: i) Action under Section 138 Negotiable Instruments Act (N.I. Act): Give notice under within 30 days of receipt of information of dishonour from the bank. In case of non- payment by the drawer within the notice period of 15 days, then the holder must institute a complaint case for prosecuting drawer within 30 days of expiry of notice period. ii) Civil Action as Summary Suit: Issue notice within 3 years from issue date of cheque and institute a summary suit for recovery of cheque amount along with interest and legal expenses. The notice can also be used while filing summary suit for recovery of money. iii) Criminal Action: Initiate criminal proceedings by filing complaint under Section 420 Indian Penal Code (I.P.C.) within 3 years from issue date of cheque. Please note that there is no provision for recovery of money under Section 420 I.P.C. and this section is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque when dishonest intent to cheat in inferred. 15. What documents / evidences do I need at the time of filing complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act? You will need at the minimum, the following: a) Proof of service of notice - receipt of postal department / courier b) Copy of notice c) Cheque in original 16. What can I do if I do not file a complaint within 30 days from expiry of notice period? If you have not filed a complaint case within 30 days after expiry of notice period, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from the date of issue of cheque. 17. What can I do if it has been more than 30 days since I received information of dishonour of cheque and 6 months has passed from the date of issue of cheque? a. Other remedies are also available to recover the cheque amount. You can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque. In case the cheque was never presented during its validity period then a summary suit is the only available remedy for recovery of money. (Notice can be given to drawer up to 3 years from date of issue of cheque for instituting a summary suit for recovery of money. Criminal proceedings for prosecution of drawer can also be instituted within 3 years from date of issue of cheque under Section 420 I.P.C.) 18. The drawer is asking me to settle the claim at a reduced value. What should I do? Its up to you to settle the claim at a reduced value as the same will save your precious time, as well as legal hassle. Now-a-days courts are also encouraging amicable settlement between the parties. However, if you settle the dishonoured cheque amount at a reduced value, you will lose all remedies available under law. 19. What remedy do I have if the drawer delays in settling after conviction? In a recent 2010 judgement, Supreme Court has laid strict rules to deal with such delaying tactics. Delay in settling cheques bounced will cost up to 20% of the cheque amount post-conviction. This is detailed as: 10% at District Court level; 15% at the High Court level; and up to 20% at the Supreme Court level. For e.g., Defaulter going for settlement will have to pay 10% of the cheque amount to avoid going to the jail. 20. Can I recover interest and legal expenses from the drawer of the dishonoured cheque? Yes, you can recover interest and legal expenses from the drawer of the dishonoured cheque in a summary suit for recovery of money, but not in the proceedings initiated under Section 138 N.I. Act. However, under Section 138 N.I. Act the award maybe higher than the cheque amount. 21. What should I do if the drawer does not make payment upon receipt of notice? You can adopt either or any of the remedies available to you: a) Can file a criminal complaint against drawer of cheque under Section 138 of N.I. Act. b) Can file a summary suit for recovery of money, interest and legal expenses. c) Can file a criminal complaint against drawer of cheque under Section 420 of I.P.C. Please note that there is no provision for recovery of money under Section 420 I.P.C. and this section is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque. In case a person has filed suit for recovery, then he is not precluded from filing a complaint under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act and Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code. The pendency of criminal matters would not be an impediment to proceeding with the civil suits.

Subject :  Will Deed Schedule

Question :  How can I mention the schedule of an apartment in a Will Deed? Do I have to include the (1)Description of entire Property, (2) description of undivided interest and then (3) Description of apartment?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You are correct sir. Any way you are advised to take draft from expert.



Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Please consult Chartered Accountant.

Subject :  Will Deed Schedule

Question :  How can I mention the schedule of an apartment in a Will Deed? Do I have to include the (1)Description of entire Property, (2) description of undivided interest and then (3) Description of apartment?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Yes, it is correct. But you may take the guidance of experienced advocate.

Subject :  Child visitation rights

Question :  My child lives with his mother in a different city. His mother is not letting me meet him for many months....ever since i had a healrh issue early last year. Please advise about my rights in such a situation

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  CHILD CUSTODY LAW:- The law governing Child Custody cases in India, broadly, falls under following Act:- 1. Guardian and Wards Act, 1890 2. Section 26 of HMA 3. Article 32/226 of Constitution of India in exceptional cases PLACE WHERE CHILD CUSTODY CASE IS FILED Child custody cases are filed in the jurisdiction of the family court/competent court where minor child ordinarily resides. For example, father is living in Mumbai. Mother is living in Delhi along with minor child. If father wants to file Child Custody, he has to file the same only in Delhi. Thus, family court or concerned competent court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over the child custody to the exclusion of all other courts. GENERAL CONSIDERATION BEFORE COURT WHILE DECIDING CHILD CUSTODY CASES BY THE COURT All courts seized of child custody cases are duty bound to consider welfare of the minor child or children as the case may be. Parent seeking child custody has to prove that interest and welfare of the child shall be protected by him/her much better than the respondent/ opposite party. Following are the broad parameters that court considers while deciding the issue of child custody:- • Child’s proximity, closeness and love for the parent • whether uprooting of the child from one parent to another will be adverse to the interest and welfare of the child • Educational qualification of respective spouses and of their immediate respective family members. • Wishes of the minor child, if he can form opinion on his own • Financial status of parties(Not too predominant as generally believed upon) • Performances and achievements in curricular and co-curricular activities • Overall behaviour and conduct of parties PROCEDURE TO FILE CHILD CUSTODY CASE:- A petition for child custody or declaration regarding appointment of natural or legal guardian of minor starts child with the filing of the petition by the spouse seeking child custody. Notably, in child custody cases non-custodial parent seeks the custody/guardianship of the minor child. Such petition usually takes longer time and thus application for Interim or Temporary custody as well as Visitation Rights are also filed by the Non-custodial parent. VISITATION RIGHTS implies regular meeting of the minor child with the non-custodial parent. General duration of visitation rights varies from 1-4 meetings per month. INTERIM CUSTODY implies generally overnight custody or long hours of custody for a defined period to the non-custodial parent with undertaking to restore the custody of the child upon completing the defined time by handing it to the Custodial parent. Custodial parent is required to give response to the petition following which evidence are led by both parents. After closure of evidence of by both parents and their respective witnesses, if any, follows with final arguments and consequent judgement. As stated above in certain situation and exigencies a writ petition under article 32 of the Constitution of India can be filed in the Supreme court or a write petition under article 226 of the Constitution of India can be filed. Such exceptional situation would include but not limited to one parent unlawfully take the child(ren) from the custody of other parent or unlawful retention of the custody of the children by the other parent or custody granted by a foreign court but the father or the mother as the case may be has taken the child out of the jurisdiction of that foreign court or the country. Such petition is filed in nature of Writ of Habeas corpus for Child Custody. It is filed for the expeditious determination of the issue. It is not a full fledged child custody petition having but has limited jurisdiction. However, Supreme Court or High Courts are vested with extra ordinary powers/jurisdiction to determine the issue. Timing of filing such petition is utter importance. Key points: • Child custody cases are emotionally taxing for parties, concerned counsels, as well as the Judge(s). • Generally, the age of majority is eighteen years and in some cases it is twenty-one years. • Nowadays courts often take the helps of experts such as counsellors, psychologist or other specialist dealing with issues of child custody. • It is extremely interesting to note that all judgements that attain finality bound parties with the final outcome. However, the decision or the judgements of child custody cases are never final. It is a departure from the general law. To explain further, Custody of Child has been awarded by judgement or by mutual consent to one of the parent. However, the welfare of the child is prejudiced by the acts and omission of the custodial parent then non-custodial parent can file child custody petition to reclaim the custody on the basis of change of circumstances concerning with the custodial parents adversely affecting the interest and welfare of the minor child(ren). Our expert and top Child Custody lawyers drawing from vast experience understand the legal nuances, emotionally challenging situation, and complexities involved in cases create best solution and practical approach to achieve the objective of the contesting parents. Our Child Custody lawyers have won most difficult and complicated issues in India or matters involving NRI including child abduction cases.

Subject :  Builder not giving bungalow and not responding also after payment was made in 2015.

Question :  I had booked a bungalow in dharuheda (Gurgaon) in a project by Parshwanath developers.initial payment of almost 10 lac was made but after that there was no development in the property.I have written several mails etc to them but unfortunately they did not respond.Can you please suggest me the way out.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Please get issue a legal notice and your issue will be resolved.

Subject :  Blood stained pills

Question :  I would like to know if I can sue Walmart pharmacy for giving me a prescription drug (pills) with blood stains on them??

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  First take a medical expert opinion then use them.

Subject :  how on l line board works

Question :  i wish to know how on line board works like prioritywise,how manytime listedwise, senior citizen prioritywise, or other way?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Though there are number circulars to dispose the cases on several scientifical methods but same are not being followed by courts due to various reasons. If you wish I can furnish the same to you.

Subject :  Reg mortgage

Question :  How can a mortgage property to be registered in the name of the lender.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Please go to Sub Registrar Office and get it registered.

Subject :  Child visitation rights

Question :  My child lives with his mother in a different city. His mother is not letting me meet him for many months....ever since i had a healrh issue early last year. Please advise about my rights in such a situation

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  You may file child custody case in Family Court.

Subject :  Builder not giving bungalow and not responding also after payment was made in 2015.

Question :  I had booked a bungalow in dharuheda (Gurgaon) in a project by Parshwanath developers.initial payment of almost 10 lac was made but after that there was no development in the property.I have written several mails etc to them but unfortunately they did not respond.Can you please suggest me the way out.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  You may lodge CRIMINAL complaint

Subject :  Blood stained pills

Question :  I would like to know if I can sue Walmart pharmacy for giving me a prescription drug (pills) with blood stains on them??

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You can lodge complaint with pharmacy department.

Subject :  Problem in getting refund of land purchase

Question :  In my case the land developer has exceeded the originally proposed schedule and also he has changed the originally proposed location. I have chosen not to proceed with the purchase and have sought refund of the amount paid however the seller is making excuses and is not willing to release funds.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Cancellation possible on certain grounds of impossibility: If you did not sign any sale agreement or allotment agreement with the builder at the time of getting your allotment, there is still room for cancellation. Even in case there is no clause for termination or cancellation or you did not enter into any agreement with the builder, you are well within your right to cancel the sale on certain grounds of impossibility depending on the basic agreement between you and the builder. In such a scenario, your grievance for cancellation should be a legitimate one, or else you may also face some legal implications of cancelling without any basis. Make sure to keep a copy of application form, allotment leer as well as the receipt for payments made to the builder to facilitate the cancellation process. Seek legal help: Cancelling an apartment booking involves a number of legal formalities and it is better to get the help of a lawyer socializing in real estate deals. Even in case you may have everything in written from the builder and a genuine reason to opt for a cancellation, it is always a good idea to seek legal help before filling for any cancelation refunds request from the builder. Getting a lawyer ion board can help you draft the cancellation letter and other communication with the builder without any legal loopholes that the builder may use to his advantage later. Communicate with the builder in black and white: When opting for a cancellation f any apartment, there is no room for verbal communication or assurances. Irrespective of what the builder may assure you, make sure to get every communication in black and white. Even if you are sending an email to the builder, it is recommended to get the mail drafted through your legal counsel. Such a communication I admissible in court and is useful in case of any dispute in refunding of the money by the builder. Explore legal options by approaching a consumer court: If you are not happy with the money that the builder has paid you back on account for cancellation of your apartment, there is a case to approach the consumer protection court. You can take the payment from the builder under protest and file an application with your nearest consumer court seeking full refund from the builder. Make sure to have all documents in place before taking on the builder legally.

Subject :  Fresh complaint in medical negligence case.

Question :  Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has held in Om Prakash Singh v. State of Bihar CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.857 OF 2018 (Arising from SLP(Crl.) No.387/2018) that Second Complaint is Maintainable If There Is Discovery Of New Fact After Disposal Of First Complaint, taking this into account can a medical negligence victim file a fresh complaint against the doctors in consumer court if there is new discovery of facts in his/her medical negligence matter?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :   Dear Sir, You are correct Sir. It a natural justice that a lower court must entertain second complaint if some new discovery made. You can file a second complaint on the basis of new discovery. You can make use of above judgment.

Subject :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and people worship with pooja on specific days of the week. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Question :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and I worship with pooja on specific days of the week where general public join. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Register it as your private deity with the concerned local authority or endowment department.

Subject :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and people worship with pooja on specific days of the week. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Question :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and I worship with pooja on specific days of the week where general public join. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You may file a simple suit for declaration with dummy defendants seeking declaration that above Ganapathi idol is your private deity.

Subject :  What should

Question :  What precaution should take if there is wife threat that she will file fake case of domestic voilance and send you to jail.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Please send legal notice stating that you never committed any domestic violence against her and you never demanded any dowry. This first legal notice will be on record as a defence for you if she ventures any such false DV case or 498A case against you.

Subject :  My brother's wife moved to her maternal home along with all jewelry,clothes and with 6 years old girl brother is planning to divorce her due to her quarreling nature.

Question :  After divorce,who will get the custody of girl child ?my brother or her wife?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Depending upon the age and welfare of the child the Court will decide about the custody.


Question :  A Shop was allotted before 20-22 years to the undersigned by Municipal Committee, Haryana on monthly depositing of Rs. 600/= per month, which at present is Rs.800/= per month. The Shop has been issued in my name. Before 8-10 years, on faith / trust of any person, the same shop was given by the undersigned to that person for using the same for 10-12 months but that person[ to whom the shop was given by the undersigned] started depositing monthly amount of Rs. 800/= directly in the Municipal committee, HOWEVER THE SLIPS ISSUED BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE ARE STILL IN MY NAME, TO WHOM THAT FELLOW IS COLLECTING FROM THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE. Secondly, that person is not vacanting my shop. ---- Two important points to note in this case is that on the advice of any fellow when I asked Municipal Committee to give the terms & conditions on which the shop was granted to the undersigned with the help of RTI, then Municipal Committee confessed by given in writing [ in the court of State Commission, Chandigarh] that they have no idea of rules / regulations of allotting this shop to the undersigned. ---Last year a legal councel sent a notice to the person keeping the shop at present from my side asking him that the said shop was given to him in emergency for 6-8 months use only & asked him to vacate the shop. NOW ALMOST EVERY FELLOW SAYS THAT THE THE WRONG NOTICE HAS BEEN SERVED BY MY LEGAL COUNCEL BEFORE ONE YEAR. --- Sir, On what basis my this above shop can be vacate. There can be any type of mishappening in this shop as it is in my name. So, I want whether the shop may got vacate or if not possible of vacate, then the same may go into the custody of Municipal Commiitee. I AM READY TO ENGAGE ANY LEGAL COUNCEL WHO WITH GUARNTEE AN HELP ME IN EITHER VACATING OF THE SHOP OR MAKING THE SAME IN CUSTODY OF MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, You have two options one is, you can over power and get possession of the same since all the records are in your favour including rent paid receipts. Secondly you can approach civil saying he is in permissive possession and you get possession of the same by a Court order.

Subject :  Need guidance in judgment matter. ?

Question :  I want to know, if the medical negligence complaint has gone from state commission to Supreme Court and got dismissed because of no proper merits, then can a second complaint be filed on discovery of new facts due to past medical negligence as per the fresh and continuous cause of action?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Yes, you can file second complaint on discovery of new facts.

Subject :  Need guidance in judgment matter.

Question :  I want to know, if the medical negligence complaint has gone from state commission to Supreme Court and got dismissed because of no proper merits, then can a second complaint be filed on discovery of new facts due to past medical negligence as per the fresh and continuous cause of action?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Yes, you can file second complaint on discovery of new facts.

Subject :  Need guidance in judgment matter.

Question :  I want to know whether the orders and judgments passed by Supreme Court of India in Civil Cases and Criminal cases are applicable to consumer protection act, that too in medical negligence cases? Along with this I want to know whether CPC and CrPC acts are applicable to consumer cases also?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, The experts in this Website cannot provide such judgments unless you share with facts of your case in full.

Subject :  Need guidance in judgment matter. ?

Question :  I want to know, if the medical negligence complaint has gone from state commission to Supreme Court and got dismissed because of no proper merits, then can a second complaint be filed on discovery of new facts due to past medical negligence as per the fresh and continuous cause of action?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, In rarest of rare cases such complainant will be entertained.

Subject :  Need guidance in judgment matter.

Question :  I want to know, if the medical negligence complaint has gone from state commission to Supreme Court and got dismissed because of no proper merits, then can a second complaint be filed on discovery of new facts due to past medical negligence as per the fresh and continuous cause of action?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, In rarest of rare cases such complainant will be entertained.

Subject :  I ordered a milkshake from a very well known restaurant in Bengaluru through one of the major food delivery chains right now.

Question :  I ordered a milkshake from a very well known restaurant in Bengaluru through one of the major food delivery chains right now. Neither the restaurant nor the food delivery chain has responded my complaint regarding the same. I want to take this to court and get the necessary damages. kindly guide regarding the process for the same.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Get issue a legal notice from my office and then can file a complaint before Consumer Forum and get compensation.

Subject :  forgery attempt

Question :  I am 68 years old. ex-wife and children have forged a piece of paper and are trying to grab my property. i need to file a criminal case against them and GET THEM CONVICTED. if you can assure me this, please contact me. otherwise, I apologize for wasting your time. thanking you for the trouble.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Please come to my office. I am unable to get your your mobile number.

Subject :  Child visitation rights

Question :  My child lives with his mother in a different city. His mother is not letting me meet him for many months....ever since i had a healrh issue early last year. Please advise about my rights in such a situation

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Get file a child custody case and get visiting rights.

Subject :  I ordered a milkshake from a very well known restaurant in Bengaluru through one of the major food delivery chains right now.

Question :  I ordered a milkshake from a very well known restaurant in Bengaluru through one of the major food delivery chains right now. Neither the restaurant nor the food delivery chain has responded my complaint regarding the same. I want to take this to court and get the necessary damages. kindly guide regarding the process for the same.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Get issue a legal notice and file a case in Consumer Forum for damages. Please share details with me.

Subject :  From whom should the damages be claimed after an accident?

Question :  While driving to college one morning, my friend got into an accident where a drunken tempo driver hit her two-wheeler and fell down, suffering from minor injuries. The owner of the temp, however, claims he is not responsible if the driver was drunk because he was not working that early in the morning. Whom should I claim the damages from for the damage done to the vehicle as well as the costs of minor injuries?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, The police will be decide after investigation just file a complaint with police and see that FIR is issued.

Subject :  Court fees cost in N. I case

Question :  What is the structure of court fee to be filed with cheque bounce case

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, There is no court fee for filing criminal case under section 138 of NI Act. Please see the following FAQs. ============================================================================================ Cheque bounce FAQs Negotiable Instruments Act 1A. Amended Cheque Bounce Provisions- 143A & 148…what is it? Ans: Section 143A- It empowers the Court to order the drawer of the cheque to pay Interim Compensation - 20% - Without depositing this amount the accused cannot defend the case. Section 148 – It empowers the Appellate Court to order payment pending the appeal against conviction The Appellate Court may order the appellant to deposit an amount which shall be a minimum of 20% of the fine or compensation awarded by the trial Court. This amount shall be in addition to the amount already paid by the appellant under Section 143A. It received the assent of the President and was notified in the Official Gazette on 02.08.2018 1. In which court do I need to file the complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act in case drawer did not pay after receiving notice? A complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act can be filed in any competent court in whose jurisdiction any of the following acts have occurred: a) Place of drawing of the cheque, b) Address of bank where cheque was presented (holders bank address), c) Address of bank where cheque is payable (drawers bank address) d) Place from where notice was received by drawer of cheque a. It is possible that each of these four acts could have occurred at different localities. The complainant can choose any one the above places to determine jurisdiction of court where they wish to file complaint. 2. What can I do if it has been more than 30 days since I received information of dishonour of cheque? If the cheque is still valid i.e. 3 months (currently) have not passed from the date of its issue, you can represent the cheque again to your banker as there is no restriction regarding the number of times a cheque can be presented and that every subsequent representation and dishonour gives rise to fresh cause of action for filing complaint. It may be noted that once a notice for payment is given then the holder must file a complaint under Section 138 N.I. Act within 30 days from expiry of notice period as a fresh cause of action will not arise if the cheque is presented again and it is dishonoured and failure to file complaint will lead to loss of remedy available under Section 138 N.I. Act. 3. How long after notice has been served can I file a case against the drawer? After giving notice you need to file a complaint case against drawer under Section 138 N.I. Act within 30 days from the expiry of notice period i.e. 15 days. In other words you need to file complaint case against drawer within 45 days (15+30) from the date of issue of notice. Failure to do so will lead to loss of remedy under Section 138 N.I. Act; however, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque. 4. What can I do if I do not have the drawer's address? You need the address of the drawer of cheque to issue notice as contemplated under provisions of N.I. Act; also the address is necessary if you wish to avail other legal remedies available to you. You can send the notice to the last known address. In case the address of the drawer has changed and the drawer has not left a forwarding address and the notice is returned with the noting that addressee is not available at the address or addressee has left without leaving a forwarding address then you need to file a complaint case after 15 days (notice period) of receipt of such information or returned notice and within 30 days from expiry of notice period. Failure to do so will lead to loss of remedy under Section 138 N.I. Act; however, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque 5. What should I do if the notice was returned and could not be served to the drawer? When a notice is returned to the sender as unclaimed or with the noting that addressee is not available at the address or addressee has left without leaving a forwarding address then the date of receipt of such information or returned notice would be the commencing date for the notice period of 15 days. Complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act must be filed within 30 days from expiry of notice period. Such reckoning would be without prejudice to the right of the drawer of the cheque to show that he had no knowledge that the notice was brought to his address or previous address. 6. Can Kishan Retd judge Law Chambers assist in drafting of legal notice as required by Section 138 of N.I. Act.? Yes, Kishan Retd judge law Chambers offers assistance in drafting of legal notice as required by Section 138 of N.I. Act. 7. How long after receiving information of dishonour of cheque do I have to serve notice to the drawer? You need to serve a legal notice to drawer of cheque demanding payment of cheque amount within 30 days of the receipt of information from your banker regarding dishonour of cheque under Section 138 N.I. Act. 8. What if the cheque was given for a reason other than to discharge a legally enforceable debt or other liability? In cases where cheque was given for a reason other than to discharge a legally enforceable debt or other liability, the provisions of Section 138 N.I. Act are not applicable e.g. Cheque given as Gift, in charity, donation etc. 9. Can a cheque issued in security attract offence under Section 138 N.I. Act? With respect to the dishonour of cheques given as security, legal position is not very clear. It is subject to presumption and proof thereof that may be given by either party in support of their case. High Court of Delhi in the case of M/s Datt Enterprises ltd. vs. V.K.Dua held that the security cheque does not attract the provisions of Section 138 N.I. Act., if cheques were given as a security cheque as per past practice and pending reconciliation of accounts and not towards discharge of any liability. 10. What is a legally enforceable debt or other liability? Legally enforceable debt or other liability should be such which is contracted in accordance with law and which is not opposed to public policy viz., wagering contracts, debt obtained for running brothel or gambling house etc. 11. What is Section 138 N.I. Act and why is remedy available under it preferable to remedy available under other laws? a. Section 138 N.I. Act was made to provide an additional criminal remedy over and above the civil remedies available; to provide a speedy and effective remedy to holder of dishonoured cheque. b. Summary suit for recovery of money takes time (approximately 3 to 5 years) and criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. does not provide any provision for recovery of money and is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque who entertains dishonest intention to cheat. 12. What is a summary suit for recovery of money? Summary suit is a civil legal proceeding initiated for recovery of money due under any written agreement, cheque etc. These proceedings are different from normal recovery suit, as here the liability to prove that petitioner is not liable to recover any amount is on defendant for which he needs to obtain leave to defend from the court. 13. What is the validity of the cheque in day to day business? The current validity of cheques is 6 months. However, please note that from April 1, 2012. The validity will change to three months as per recent directive of RBI (under Sec. 35A, Banking Regulation Act, 1949) 14. What can I do if a cheque given to me has been dishonoured? a. The holder of a cheque that has been dishonoured can seek remedy in the following manner: i) Action under Section 138 Negotiable Instruments Act (N.I. Act): Give notice under within 30 days of receipt of information of dishonour from the bank. In case of non- payment by the drawer within the notice period of 15 days, then the holder must institute a complaint case for prosecuting drawer within 30 days of expiry of notice period. ii) Civil Action as Summary Suit: Issue notice within 3 years from issue date of cheque and institute a summary suit for recovery of cheque amount along with interest and legal expenses. The notice can also be used while filing summary suit for recovery of money. iii) Criminal Action: Initiate criminal proceedings by filing complaint under Section 420 Indian Penal Code (I.P.C.) within 3 years from issue date of cheque. Please note that there is no provision for recovery of money under Section 420 I.P.C. and this section is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque when dishonest intent to cheat in inferred. 15. What documents / evidences do I need at the time of filing complaint case under Section 138 N.I. Act? You will need at the minimum, the following: a) Proof of service of notice - receipt of postal department / courier b) Copy of notice c) Cheque in original 16. What can I do if I do not file a complaint within 30 days from expiry of notice period? If you have not filed a complaint case within 30 days after expiry of notice period, you can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from the date of issue of cheque. 17. What can I do if it has been more than 30 days since I received information of dishonour of cheque and 6 months has passed from the date of issue of cheque? a. Other remedies are also available to recover the cheque amount. You can file a summary suit for recovery of money and initiate criminal proceedings under Section 420 I.P.C. within 3 years from date of issue of cheque. In case the cheque was never presented during its validity period then a summary suit is the only available remedy for recovery of money. (Notice can be given to drawer up to 3 years from date of issue of cheque for instituting a summary suit for recovery of money. Criminal proceedings for prosecution of drawer can also be instituted within 3 years from date of issue of cheque under Section 420 I.P.C.) 18. The drawer is asking me to settle the claim at a reduced value. What should I do? Its up to you to settle the claim at a reduced value as the same will save your precious time, as well as legal hassle. Now-a-days courts are also encouraging amicable settlement between the parties. However, if you settle the dishonoured cheque amount at a reduced value, you will lose all remedies available under law. 19. What remedy do I have if the drawer delays in settling after conviction? In a recent 2010 judgement, Supreme Court has laid strict rules to deal with such delaying tactics. Delay in settling cheques bounced will cost up to 20% of the cheque amount post-conviction. This is detailed as: 10% at District Court level; 15% at the High Court level; and up to 20% at the Supreme Court level. For e.g., Defaulter going for settlement will have to pay 10% of the cheque amount to avoid going to the jail. 20. Can I recover interest and legal expenses from the drawer of the dishonoured cheque? Yes, you can recover interest and legal expenses from the drawer of the dishonoured cheque in a summary suit for recovery of money, but not in the proceedings initiated under Section 138 N.I. Act. However, under Section 138 N.I. Act the award maybe higher than the cheque amount. 21. What should I do if the drawer does not make payment upon receipt of notice? You can adopt either or any of the remedies available to you: a) Can file a criminal complaint against drawer of cheque under Section 138 of N.I. Act. b) Can file a summary suit for recovery of money, interest and legal expenses. c) Can file a criminal complaint against drawer of cheque under Section 420 of I.P.C. Please note that there is no provision for recovery of money under Section 420 I.P.C. and this section is meant only for prosecution of the drawer of the cheque. In case a person has filed suit for recovery, then he is not precluded from filing a complaint under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act and Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code. The pendency of criminal matters would not be an impediment to proceeding with the civil suits.

Subject :  Court fees cost in N. I case

Question :  What is the structure of court fee to be filed with cheque bounce case

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, Irrespective of amount of cheque. My fee is Rs. 5k for issuing notice and further fee is as follows. ============================================================================================== My standard fee structure is as follows: Rs.40k ( total fee). 50% to be paid in advance and balance at the time of final arguments. (which includes drafting of all the necessary documents to be filed in the court. Further on the first day of hearing you have to pay Rs.3k to my junior and Rs.1k on every hearing date to my junior. With regards, Kishan Dutt Kalaskar

Subject :  Whether compramise degree be challenged

Question :  What should we do

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, It can be challenged only on the grounds of fraud and misrepresentation.

Subject :  Can I file a case if some one has captured my house for more than 50 years

Question :  My grandpa sold a plot and died we are not sure it was sold or not because that man purchased another plots in the same sheet 243 which was 1266 and doubt is on 1267 plot issue is that after 1267 there was few portion of 1265 which he also merged with 1267 and constructed 1st floor building on 1267 and left portion of 1265 we have papers of left portion of 1265 which he has illegally captured and never revealed the secret can I file a case after 50 years of grandfathers death.

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Dear Sir, It seems a very weak case. However show you all documents and discuss.

Subject :  Can I file a case to remove the name of dakhalkar and update my name there because the property is residential place not farm

Question :  According to 1933 survey in khatihan there are two columns 1st is for the person recieving the lagan is my grandfather and second is dakhalkar which is third party . But the problem is that property was given on rent by my grandfather who was not aware that in future dakhalkars will become owner of land after independence land reforms came and the renter became owner and my Grandpa died after independence but the plot is in the same location and they are my neighbour as I think land reform was for farmers so that they can become the real owner but this is a house mentioned in khatihan can I file a case for dakhil kharij now .

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Please consult local lawyer having deep knowledge of local laws.

Subject :  valuation of property

Question :  Is Circle rate to be considered the market rate of property ?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  Circle Rate is minimum value at which the property can be sold or purchased. Whereas market value is the rate at which actual transaction takes place. ... Whereas Market Value is also known as Consideration Value. In layman terms, Circle Rate is Market Value of the property as per local state government.

Subject :  questionWhy do some groups require special human rights?

Question :  questionWhy do some groups require special human rights?

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  That some groups get more rights than others is an idea invented by those who want to maintain the status quo where they can discriminate against minority groups, either visible (racial) minorities, minorities based on religion or sexual orientation or gender based groups. They maintain that these groups get ‘special rights’ when in fact such groups are often discriminated against and not allowed to exercise the rights that the majority group (usually but not always white, Christian males in N. America) takes for granted. The majority group has been in power for so long that they see other groups doing nothing more than getting equality as actually getting more rights than they (the group in power) has. This can be seen by such incidents as a minority group, for example homosexuals, being refused the ability to purchase the cake of their choice at a bakery, or further back in the past people of certain racial backgrounds being refused the ability to drink from the same water fountains as everybody else, eat in the same restaurants or ride at the front of a bus or more recently women not being given the same pay for the same job. These people were not asking for ‘special rights’ but just the same rights as the group in power yet the group in power frequently labels the enforcement of equal rights as getting ‘special rights’ because they feel threatened if they don’t get an advantage over the hitherto discriminated-against groups.

Subject :  Court commissioner

Question :  What is the duty & scope of work of A COURT COMMISSIONER

Answer by KISHAN RETD JUDGE :  It said that the scope of Order 26 Rule 9 of the CPC is very limited. The Trial Court in any suit in which a local investigation is required or proper for purpose of elucidating any matter of dispute may appoint a Commissioner The provisions of Order XXVI Rule 9 of the CPC are very clear and for the ready reference the same is reproduced below :- “9. Commissions to make local investigations.-- In any suit in which the Court deems a local investigation to be requisite or proper for the purpose of elucidating any matter in dispute, or of ascertaining the market value of any property, or the amount of any mesne profits or damages or annual net profits, the Court may issue a commission to such person as it thinks fit directing him to make such investigation and to report thereon to the Court : Provided that, where the State Government has made rules as to the persons to whom such commission shall be issued, the Court shall be bound by such rules.” The High Court made out that It is that during pendency of the trial and before the judgment if the Trial Court finds that any issue requires clarification or elucidation, the Court may suomoto appoint Commissioner to submit the report for which no application is required. It said that the scope of Order 26 Rule 9 of the CPC is very limited. The Trial Court in any suit in which a local investigation is required or proper for purpose of elucidating any matter of dispute may appoint a Commissioner. It is settled law that the parties are required to prove their own case by way of evidence, therefore, it is the duty of plaintiff/defendant to first give evidence in support of their case. After the evidence of parties, if Court deems it proper that any issue requires clarification then the Court may appoint a Commissioner. The report of Commissioner is merely a piece of evidence and not binding on the Trial Court. It can be used for the purpose of appreciating the evidence came on record. By looking at the case in hand, the Court cleared that respondent hadn't provided any evidence to prove his case and thus he couldn't avail benefits of Order 29 Rule 9 of CPC. It thus set aside the impugned Trial Court order by turning the application invoked under Order 29 Rule 9 of CPC.