Adv Jyoti Dharmani (9 Years Exp)

  National Consumer Matters (Show More)   

 Jalgaon K H , Jalgaon

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Contact Details

Law Firm Name : Adv Jyoti Dharmani

Country : India

City : Jalgaon

Area : Jalgaon K H


Heading Courtesy Date
No Articles


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No News

Practicing Since :  2015

Qualification : B.Sc.,LLB,DTL,DCM,GDC&A


Enrolment Details

Enrolment No Enrolment State Enrolment BAR
MAH/281/2015 Maharashtra Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa


 Consumer,Product&Service Liability

 Contract & Drafting

 Criminal Law

 Family & Divorce

 Motor Vehicles

 Startup & Registrations




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