Chandrashekhar Vithal Jadhav  (30 Years Exp)

  Arbitration - Domestic (Show More)   

 Kamakshipalya , Bangalore

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Law Firm Name : Chandrashekhar Vithal Jadhav

Country : India

City : Bangalore

Area : Kamakshipalya


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Practicing Since :  1995

Qualification : B.Com. L.L.B (Spl.)


Advocate Chandrashekhar Vithal Jadhav has been practicing and handling cases independently with a result oriented approach both professionally and ethically and has acquired 20 years of professional experience in providing legal consultancy and advisory services. Being the founder of the Advocate Jadhav Law Firm, Advocate Jadhav is a lawyer practicing in the areas of Civil and Criminal matters. He has represented in many Government Litigations in Civil Courts at Bangalore and has also represented as a Principal District Government Pleader of Bangalore, Urban and Rural Districts for the year 2008 to 2012. He specializes in cyber crime matters, consumer protection issues and civil matters including property disputes, family disputes, documentation, among others. Advocate Jadhav is a Panel Advocate in District Legal Services Authority, Bangalore Urban and Rural Districts for the 17 years. He is the Legal Advisor of Sri Arunlakshmi Credit Co-operative Society, Bangalore and for the Special Women Care Unit (Vishesha Mahila Chikithsa Ghataka), Malleshwram, Bangalore. Advocate Jadhav enrolled with the Bar Council of Karnataka in 1995. He is a member of the Bangalore Advocates Bar Association. Enrollment Number : KAR/2269/1995 Language(s) Spoken by Advocate Chandrashekhar Vithal Jadhav: English, Hindi, Kannada

Enrolment Details

Enrolment No Enrolment State Enrolment BAR
Kar-2269/1995 KARNATAKA Bangalore Advocate Association


 Arbitration & ADR

 Consumer,Product&Service Liability

 Contract & Drafting

 Family & Divorce




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Subject :  Regarding payment of wages by government.

Question :  Sir I am a government teacher working in a school .Government has not paid us our monthly salary alongwith other employees citing budget shortage.It has been more than 4 months that we have not been paid salary inspite of giving notices through our teachers union.Sir ,what action can we take regarding this?

Answer by Chandrashekhar Vithal Jadhav :  Your union has to give legal notices to your higher authority and concerned authority to resolve salary problems, if not your union has to file petition before concerned authority/jurisdictional civil court for the same. If you are come under labour you have to give complaint before jurisdictional District Labour Commissioner... all the best. .. by Chandrashekhar Vithal Jadhav, Advocate, Bangalore.