SUPRATIC ROY (14 Years Exp)

  Authority for Advance Rulings (Show More)   

 Baranagar , Kolkata

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Law Firm Name : SUPRATIC ROY

Country : India

City : Kolkata

Area : Baranagar


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Practicing Since :  2011

Qualification : B.A.LL.B(Honours)


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Enrolment No Enrolment State Enrolment BAR
F-705/2011 West Bengal Calcutta High Court Bar Association


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 High Courts (India)

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Subject :  Name change

Question :  I want to change my name from Ashok Kumar tanti to Ashok Tayal. I have passport also and working person. PL let me know the formalities.I am general category and do not want any govt. Benefits.

Answer by SUPRATIC ROY :  Please affirm an an affidavit stating the same and make an news paper publication. That is all you need to do.

Subject :  Cheque payment stopped by drawer

Question :  Sir My cheque payment is stopped by drawer . this cheque is given as a proof of money that borrowing for some time but after a long my money don't returned .

Answer by SUPRATIC ROY :  Cheque is an admission of debt. Certain remedies are available please take a consultation.

Subject :  How to represent father in court he is a paralysis patient now

Question :  My father constructed a house in 1998. and left about 5 feet of place on the backside of my house due to vaastu. The person who is constructed house on our backside moved into our site. We make a petition in the court in the name of my father. but he attacked paralysis in 2015. He is unable to speak. I urged the court to allow me on behalf of my father. but they didn't allowed me. Is there any chance to attend the court on behalf of my father?

Answer by SUPRATIC ROY :  yes certainly. take a full consultation.

Subject :  Petition for early hearing in medical negligence case.

Question :  Which is the right time to file an early hearing request petition in a medical negligence case? Whether it should be filed when the paper procedure is going on like filing rejoinder, affidavit in support of evidence, interrogatory, exchange of papers or early hearing request should be given after all the paper procedure is over? I am a handicap person and I have filed a medical negligence case in NCDRC. I want to know which would be the right time to ask for early hearing and its advantage? Presently my case is admitted and I am getting the hearing after every 6months in NCDRC.

Answer by SUPRATIC ROY :  You need to file a 226/227 application in High Court. Take a paid consultation.

Subject :  Consumer Protection (Non Advocate) Regulation Act 2014 formed by NCDRC.

Question :  I want to know as per consumer protection (non advocate) regulation act 2014 formed by NCDRC, if an advocate has taken accreditation of any state consumer forum on that basis can he appear in National consumer forum?

Answer by SUPRATIC ROY :  Yes

Subject :  Regarding changes in the division of residential land between owners.

Question :  Dear sir/madam, Near about 800 sq. yards of residential site was purchased from a a person by three sisters 15 years ago and the person who sold the site registered the land portions separately in each one's name. However, we would like to re-allocate the land portions due to some issues. 1) What is the legal procedure to be followed to re-adjust the registered land portions? Should we re-register the land with the new amendments? Some people have suggested an amendment agreement. IS it correct? If it is, please elaborate. 2) Who is empowered to make such changes in the document? Is the mutual agreement of the three sisters (the current land owners) sufficient? Or should the previous owner (who sold us the land) do the registration once again? 3) If any of the current owners want to sell their land portion to any third party, will there be any legal repercussions? Please clarify. Thank you for your time.

Answer by SUPRATIC ROY :  Cancellation of Deed