Nitranjan Singh Advocate (9 Years Exp)

  Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Show More)   

 Jaipur City , Jaipur

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Law Firm Name : Nitranjan Singh Advocate

Country : India

City : Jaipur

Area : Jaipur City


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Practicing Since :  2015

Qualification : Bba Llb


I practice in civil matters pertaining to writs - under Art.236&227, Civil appeals, Civil Misc. matters

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R-131-2016 Rajasthan Jodhpur


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Subject :  Family settlement

Question :  Mother dies after signing unregistered MoU of family settlement among her adult living children. Question is does the MoU in question have any legal binding on signatories of the MoU?

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  Yes family settlement has legal binding despite of it being unregistered, however, the same can be challenged by you

Subject :  Family settlement

Question :  Mother dies after signing unregistered MoU of family settlement among her adult living children. Question is does the MoU in question have any legal binding on signatories of the MoU?

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  Yes family settlement has legal binding despite of it being unregistered, however, the same can be challenged by you

Subject :  document registration fee.

Question :  On what basis is registration fee charged in respect to family settlement document?

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  It depends on the local state laws prevailing at the relevant time

Subject :  document registration fee.

Question :  On what basis is registration fee charged in respect to family settlement document?

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  It depends on the local state laws prevailing at the relevant time

Subject :  document registration fee.

Question :  On what basis is registration fee charged in respect to family settlement document?

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  It depends on the local state laws prevailing at the relevant time

Subject :  PIO non cooperating

Question :  I had filed RTI But the PIO replied armed with a copy of objection from the third party.Now can I ask for file inspection under the present circumstances.Question is will the PIO refer to my earlier application sighting third party objection or file inspection would be granted?

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  PIO has no power to hear objections from any third party and can only either provide information or deny on grounds of it being an exemption, if the PIO is not cooperating then you can file appeal aginst the order of denial or you can file writ under Article 226/227 of the Indian Constitution for seeking directions from the High Court against the PIO

Subject :  PIO non cooperating

Question :  I had filed RTI But the PIO replied armed with a copy of objection from the third party.Now can I ask for file inspection under the present circumstances.Question is will the PIO refer to my earlier application sighting third party objection or file inspection would be granted?

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  PIO has no power to hear objections from any third party and can only either provide information or deny on grounds of it being an exemption, if the PIO is not cooperating then you can file appeal aginst the order of denial or you can file writ under Article 226/227 of the Indian Constitution for seeking directions from the High Court against the PIO

Subject :  The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 eligibility of a marries women

Question :  According to The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, a woman has the coparcenary right. So I simply want to know whether this eligibility last after the marriage of that woman or not.

Answer by Nitranjan Singh Advocate :  Yes the woman even after marriage has full ownership rights