M/s. LEGAL TYCOON (9 Years Exp)

  SC - Public Interest litigation (Show More)   

 New Delhi G.P.O. , New Delhi

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Law Firm Name : M/s. LEGAL TYCOON

Country : India

City : New Delhi

Area : New Delhi G.P.O.


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Practicing Since :  2016

Qualification : B.Sc., M.A.(ENGLISH),CTE, LL.B.,LL.M.



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 Arbitration & ADR

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 High Courts (India)

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 Startup & Registrations

 Supreme Court (India)



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Question :  Dear Sir, A shop was allotted by Municipal Committee before 13-14 years on rental basis[ monthly rent about Rs.800/= per month]. Before 7-8 years, a known fellow of me asked me to use the shop for six months. As my shop was empty at that time i.e before 7-8 years. So, I gave my shop to him for six month to him on trust. After six month, when I asked him to vacate the shop then he started fighting with me. Thereon, he started depositing rent in the municipal committee directly & started collecting the rent slips from the Municipal Committee. THE IMPORTANT POINT IN THIS CASE TO NOTE IS THAT THE RENT SLIPS ISSUED TO THAT PERSON BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMIITTEE IS STILL IN MY NAME [ i.e that person is depositing the rent on monthly basis in my name ]. ALSO ONE IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE IS THAT DURING LAST YEAR I PREPARED BANK DRAFT FOR RENT OF THREE MONTHS FROM MY ACCOUNT[ THROUGH MY BANK ACCOUNT CHEQUE] & SENT THE SAME TO THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE, WHO RECEIVED THE SAME & MADE ENTRY OF THREE MONTHS RENT FROM MY SIDE IN THEIR ACCOUNT, 1] Thereby confirming the deposition of rent amount from my own bank account. 2] Also One more point to note is that before six month a legal counsel / advocate of mine sent notice to that fellow mentioning in the legal notice that shop was given from my side on ‘ Trust ‘ for six months only & mine legal counsel addressed him to vacate the same. Sir, Few my known legal experts are saying that the notice given by my councel / Advocate [ saying that the shop was given on trust basis, as mentioned in the legal notice] is wrong. Reason being, the shop has been allotted to the undersigned by municipal committee on rent basis. 3] When I asked to the Municipal Committee to tell about the ‘’ Allotment Conditions ‘’ with the help of RTI then MC could not reply & at last when the case gone to INFORMATION COMMISSION, Then there the Municipal Committee confessed by giving in writing that they[MC] have no record of the same. Now, In above circumstances, whether the legal notice given by my councel to that fellow is wrong or right & how to vacate the shop. Thanks, [ Shiv kumar]

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  file eviction petition

Subject :  Things to see while executing leasse agreement

Question :  Hi,,, we want to hire an office space for approximate 03 years period time,,, please guide about the documents/things/formalities to keep in mind while executing Lease Agreement

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me

Subject :  Civil

Question :  Property sold to me by cheating and fraud?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  register F.I.R.

Subject :  my brother-in-law's secret relationship

Question :  i doubt my brother-in-law has a secret relationship even before marriage and he is continuing it still.How to break their relationship and save my sister.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Child visitation rights

Question :  My child lives with his mother in a different city. His mother is not letting me meet him for many months....ever since i had a healrh issue early last year. Please advise about my rights in such a situation

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Builder not giving bungalow and not responding also after payment was made in 2015.

Question :  I had booked a bungalow in dharuheda (Gurgaon) in a project by Parshwanath developers.initial payment of almost 10 lac was made but after that there was no development in the property.I have written several mails etc to them but unfortunately they did not respond.Can you please suggest me the way out.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Will Deed Schedule

Question :  How can I mention the schedule of an apartment in a Will Deed? Do I have to include the (1)Description of entire Property, (2) description of undivided interest and then (3) Description of apartment?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095



Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Termination of Service

Question :  Was working as a Chief Medical Officer in a Charitable Hospital registered under the Societies Act for the past 9 years. I was given termination letter for my service , without any notice or any explanation called for. I have not acknowledged the notice/ letter. Please advise me as to what action I should take ?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Termination of Service

Question :  Was working as a Chief Medical Officer in a Charitable Hospital registered under the Societies Act for the past 9 years. I was given termination letter for my service , without any notice or any explanation called for. I have not acknowledged the notice/ letter. Please advise me as to what action I should take ?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Termination

Question :  Was working in a charitable hospital as a Chief Medical Officer for the past 8 years, registered under Societies Act .Without any notice given or any explanation called for, I was given termination letter , for which I have not acknowledged. Please let me know what action should I take ?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Was Working as a Medical Officer in Charitable hospital

Question :  Was working as a Medical officer in a charitable hospital since 8 years. Terminated from service without any reason nor given notice for termination. How do we proceed ?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Non compete Agreement

Question :  My first employer has sued me and my last employer claiming the breach of non-competence, confidentiality and non-solicitation agreement. The court notice was not served to me, but from my last employer I came to know about the lawsuit. How should I proceed kn this situation.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Name change

Question :  I want to change my name from Ashok Kumar tanti to Ashok Tayal. I have passport also and working person. PL let me know the formalities.I am general category and do not want any govt. Benefits.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Cheque payment stopped by drawer

Question :  Sir My cheque payment is stopped by drawer . this cheque is given as a proof of money that borrowing for some time but after a long my money don't returned .

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  How to represent father in court he is a paralysis patient now

Question :  My father constructed a house in 1998. and left about 5 feet of place on the backside of my house due to vaastu. The person who is constructed house on our backside moved into our site. We make a petition in the court in the name of my father. but he attacked paralysis in 2015. He is unable to speak. I urged the court to allow me on behalf of my father. but they didn't allowed me. Is there any chance to attend the court on behalf of my father?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Petition for early hearing in medical negligence case.

Question :  Which is the right time to file an early hearing request petition in a medical negligence case? Whether it should be filed when the paper procedure is going on like filing rejoinder, affidavit in support of evidence, interrogatory, exchange of papers or early hearing request should be given after all the paper procedure is over? I am a handicap person and I have filed a medical negligence case in NCDRC. I want to know which would be the right time to ask for early hearing and its advantage? Presently my case is admitted and I am getting the hearing after every 6months in NCDRC.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Consumer Protection (Non Advocate) Regulation Act 2014 formed by NCDRC.

Question :  I want to know as per consumer protection (non advocate) regulation act 2014 formed by NCDRC, if an advocate has taken accreditation of any state consumer forum on that basis can he appear in National consumer forum?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Can a American citizen born in India sell/transfer property to other in india

Question :  MRI property in India

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Regarding changes in the division of residential land between owners.

Question :  Dear sir/madam, Near about 800 sq. yards of residential site was purchased from a a person by three sisters 15 years ago and the person who sold the site registered the land portions separately in each one's name. However, we would like to re-allocate the land portions due to some issues. 1) What is the legal procedure to be followed to re-adjust the registered land portions? Should we re-register the land with the new amendments? Some people have suggested an amendment agreement. IS it correct? If it is, please elaborate. 2) Who is empowered to make such changes in the document? Is the mutual agreement of the three sisters (the current land owners) sufficient? Or should the previous owner (who sold us the land) do the registration once again? 3) If any of the current owners want to sell their land portion to any third party, will there be any legal repercussions? Please clarify. Thank you for your time.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Early hearing of medical negligence case in NCDRC

Question :  Hello Sir, I am physically challenged person by birth and I have filed a medical negligence case in NCDRC which is pending from long time, I want to know if I can ask for an early hearing and disposal of my case in NCDRC, there is any provision in law for early hearing and disposal of cases in medical negligence cases for physically challenged people, if yes can you tell me the under which section and sub section I can demand for an early hearing and disposal of my complaint in NCDRC?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Reverse Charge Mechanism

Question :  My client is trading of T\Tax free agricultural product. i.e. Paddy In this case if he pay Transport charges. In this case Reverse charge applicable or not on transport charges?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Off loaded from flight

Question :  I was off loaded from the British Airways flight from British Airways flight on 23rd November. I Had valid ticket from New Delhi to New York. I am Permanent Resident of USA holding Green Card. My Green Card was initially valid till 24th October 2017 but its validity was extended by fixing a high security sticker. The Air line officer at the Delhi Airport said that he does not accept the validity extended by sticker and he treats my Green Card Expired. After being off loaded a few minutes later I made on the spot purchased Qatar Airways ticket and reached home (USA). But the Qatar ticket was twice more costly being spot purchase. Can I sue the air line for wrongful off-loading? I purchased the ticket at Ludhiana (Punjab). Can I sue the airline at Ludhiana? Or I should do so in USA. Consumer court?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Fate of a Complaint Case filed under 156(3) for an offence of 506 IPC.

Question :  A Compliant of 156(3) was filed by my mother- I was summoned by the court for an offence U/s 506 IPC. During the pendency of trial complaint died before framing of charge. Accused could not get the opportunity to cross-examine the complainant. However, evidence of CW1 i.e the son of the complainant were recorded and cross-examined, what he deposed was only hearsay. What could be the fate of the case? Does Section 244/245 will apply in the present matter? Can accuse demand discharge for not getting opportunity of cross examine of the material witness. Pls advice otherwise what relief may be for the accused.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Property Acquired by Govt. without consent and no comp

Question :  Our property has been acquired by Govt. without our consent and they have missed our name as well. Our name is not there in the govt. documents. The revenue deptt. told the funds have been submitted in the court. How to claim the compensation. Please advise. Thanks and Regards, Anita Sehgal

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Arrears of salary payable to a resigned employee

Question :  I resigned from a co op bank when only 14 months due for my retirement on health grounds in may 17.our MOS was due since july13 & the new MOS was signed in Oct 17.. As per the clause in MOS ,resigned employee is not eligible to get arrears of salary from retrospective date.. Can I claim arrears of salary from July 13 to Sept 17?What is legal option available for me?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Whether sitting of one extra person in the truck comes under violation of limitations as to use

Question :  Dear Sir, My truck was covered under comprehensive policy with Sri Ram General Insurance Co. Ltd. & this truck met with accident last year. Apart from Driver & Cleaner[helper], one more person was in the truck i.e total three persons were in the truck which was mentioned in the police report. Also the cleaner / helper died in this accident. Sir, My OD Claim has been repudiated by saying that one extra person was travelling in the truck & this is the violation of ‘ LIMITATIONS AS TO USE’. Sir, As such I want to know whether sitting of one more person comes under the [violation of limitations as to use] & whether the decision taken by insurer is right or wrong. Regards, Suresh Kumar , Rohtak[ Haryana]

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Research study data protection

Question :  I am the principal investigator of a reasearch study funded by the Department of Science and Technology. The study was completed and the paper was published. It has now come to my notice that there are people around me who wants to use the data I had collected for my study, for other purposes. I would like to prevent that from happening as all the data collected was my sole idea and hardwork. Please guide me as to how to prevent this.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Section of Environmental Pollution Act 1986 so sentence and imprisonment under 19 15 16

Question :  Section of Environmental Pollution Act 1986 so sentence and imprisonment under 19 15 16

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  my brother-in-law's secret relationship

Question :  i doubt my brother-in-law has a secret relationship even before marriage and he is continuing it still.How to break their relationship and save my sister.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095


Question :  Dear Sir, A shop was allotted by Municipal Committee before 13-14 years on rental basis[ monthly rent about Rs.800/= per month]. Before 7-8 years, a known fellow of me asked me to use the shop for six months. As my shop was empty at that time i.e before 7-8 years. So, I gave my shop to him for six month to him on trust. After six month, when I asked him to vacate the shop then he started fighting with me. Thereon, he started depositing rent in the municipal committee directly & started collecting the rent slips from the Municipal Committee. THE IMPORTANT POINT IN THIS CASE TO NOTE IS THAT THE RENT SLIPS ISSUED TO THAT PERSON BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMIITTEE IS STILL IN MY NAME [ i.e that person is depositing the rent on monthly basis in my name ]. ALSO ONE IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE IS THAT DURING LAST YEAR I PREPARED BANK DRAFT FOR RENT OF THREE MONTHS FROM MY ACCOUNT[ THROUGH MY BANK ACCOUNT CHEQUE] & SENT THE SAME TO THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE, WHO RECEIVED THE SAME & MADE ENTRY OF THREE MONTHS RENT FROM MY SIDE IN THEIR ACCOUNT, 1] Thereby confirming the deposition of rent amount from my own bank account. 2] Also One more point to note is that before six month a legal counsel / advocate of mine sent notice to that fellow mentioning in the legal notice that shop was given from my side on ‘ Trust ‘ for six months only & mine legal counsel addressed him to vacate the same. Sir, Few my known legal experts are saying that the notice given by my councel / Advocate [ saying that the shop was given on trust basis, as mentioned in the legal notice] is wrong. Reason being, the shop has been allotted to the undersigned by municipal committee on rent basis. 3] When I asked to the Municipal Committee to tell about the ‘’ Allotment Conditions ‘’ with the help of RTI then MC could not reply & at last when the case gone to INFORMATION COMMISSION, Then there the Municipal Committee confessed by giving in writing that they[MC] have no record of the same. Now, In above circumstances, whether the legal notice given by my councel to that fellow is wrong or right & how to vacate the shop. Thanks, [ Shiv kumar]

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Things to see while executing leasse agreement

Question :  Hi,,, we want to hire an office space for approximate 03 years period time,,, please guide about the documents/things/formalities to keep in mind while executing Lease Agreement

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Basic inquiry required

Question :  what is dowry ? and what we can do for dowry harassment ? (Hindu Religion)

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Protection for the employees from management

Question :  My manager tortures me interms of productivity and speaks very rudely and commanding for which I do not have a proof how can I be helped here

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095


Question :  Dear Sir, A shop was allotted by Municipal Committee before 13-14 years on rental basis[ monthly rent about Rs.800/= per month]. Before 7-8 years, a known fellow of me asked me to use the shop for six months. As my shop was empty at that time i.e before 7-8 years. So, I gave my shop to him for six month to him on trust. After six month, when I asked him to vacate the shop then he started fighting with me. Thereon, he started depositing rent in the municipal committee directly & started collecting the rent slips from the Municipal Committee. THE IMPORTANT POINT IN THIS CASE TO NOTE IS THAT THE RENT SLIPS ISSUED TO THAT PERSON BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMIITTEE IS STILL IN MY NAME [ i.e that person is depositing the rent on monthly basis in my name ]. ALSO ONE IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE IS THAT DURING LAST YEAR I PREPARED BANK DRAFT FOR RENT OF THREE MONTHS FROM MY ACCOUNT[ THROUGH MY BANK ACCOUNT CHEQUE] & SENT THE SAME TO THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE, WHO RECEIVED THE SAME & MADE ENTRY OF THREE MONTHS RENT FROM MY SIDE IN THEIR ACCOUNT. --- Also One more point to note is that before six month a legal counsel / advocate of mine sent a notice to that fellow mentioning in the legal notice that shop was given from my side on ‘ Trust ‘ for six months only & mine legal counsel addressed him to vacate the same. Sir, Reading the above situation, how to vacate the shop. Thanks, [ Shiv kumar] 20.01.2018

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Injuction order for the agriculture land

Question :  I have Agriculture land and neighbours trying to encroaching and disturbing for peaceful enjoyment and possession and therefore given the police compliant, whereas, the police sub inspector asking to obtain the Injuction order and then put the fencing . for getting the injunction order for the agriculture land what is the court fee. The Land value would approx Rs. 10 Lakhs.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095



Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  How to deal with case if wife filed case under section 341 against me

Question :  How to deal with case if wife filed case under section 341 against me

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :   how to vacant the shop

Question :  a shop was alloted to me on rent basis by municipal comittee. A person requested to use the shop only for six months & nothing in writing was given by me to him. After six months he started collecting the rent slips from the municipal committee by depositing the rent but all the slips collected by him are still in my name. M.C is issuing rent slips in my name to him. Sir, how to vacant the shop from him.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  A

Question :  All types of civil matters attended. Like specific performance, banking matters, motor accident cases, family matters, cargo damage cases etc.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  regarding 2005 amendment in hindu succession act

Question :  sir, I am a hindu and i want to know women born before and married before can also lawfully claim for partition in joint family property.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095


Question :  Employer threatening to pay Rs.5 lacs stating the client involved in cheatng the company by giving one project to others, and telling he is having audio recording evidence.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  divorce after getting decree of judicial separation

Question :  divorce after getting decree of judicial separation

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Make your woman torture and rape cases

Question :  Woman torture hare and rape cases for city

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Civil

Question :  Property sold to me by cheating and fraud?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  What is arbitration

Question :  What is arbitration and action under arbitration

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Question :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me on 7599486095

Subject :  Reg mortgage

Question :  How can a mortgage property to be registered in the name of the lender.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Child visitation rights

Question :  My child lives with his mother in a different city. His mother is not letting me meet him for many months....ever since i had a healrh issue early last year. Please advise about my rights in such a situation

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Builder not giving bungalow and not responding also after payment was made in 2015.

Question :  I had booked a bungalow in dharuheda (Gurgaon) in a project by Parshwanath developers.initial payment of almost 10 lac was made but after that there was no development in the property.I have written several mails etc to them but unfortunately they did not respond.Can you please suggest me the way out.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Will Deed Schedule

Question :  How can I mention the schedule of an apartment in a Will Deed? Do I have to include the (1)Description of entire Property, (2) description of undivided interest and then (3) Description of apartment?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095



Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Termination of Service

Question :  Was working as a Chief Medical Officer in a Charitable Hospital registered under the Societies Act for the past 9 years. I was given termination letter for my service , without any notice or any explanation called for. I have not acknowledged the notice/ letter. Please advise me as to what action I should take ?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Termination

Question :  Was working in a charitable hospital as a Chief Medical Officer for the past 8 years, registered under Societies Act .Without any notice given or any explanation called for, I was given termination letter , for which I have not acknowledged. Please let me know what action should I take ?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Non compete Agreement

Question :  My first employer has sued me and my last employer claiming the breach of non-competence, confidentiality and non-solicitation agreement. The court notice was not served to me, but from my last employer I came to know about the lawsuit. How should I proceed kn this situation.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Name change

Question :  I want to change my name from Ashok Kumar tanti to Ashok Tayal. I have passport also and working person. PL let me know the formalities.I am general category and do not want any govt. Benefits.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Cheque payment stopped by drawer

Question :  Sir My cheque payment is stopped by drawer . this cheque is given as a proof of money that borrowing for some time but after a long my money don't returned .

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me 7599486095

Subject :  Reg mortgage

Question :  How can a mortgage property to be registered in the name of the lender.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me - 7599486095

Subject :  Reg mortgage

Question :  How can a mortgage property to be registered in the name of the lender.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me - 7599486095

Subject :  Child visitation rights

Question :  My child lives with his mother in a different city. His mother is not letting me meet him for many months....ever since i had a healrh issue early last year. Please advise about my rights in such a situation

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me - 7599486095

Subject :  how on l line board works

Question :  i wish to know how on line board works like prioritywise,how manytime listedwise, senior citizen prioritywise, or other way?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me - 7599486095

Subject :  Blood stained pills

Question :  I would like to know if I can sue Walmart pharmacy for giving me a prescription drug (pills) with blood stains on them??

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  contact me - 7599486095

Subject :  Problem in getting refund of land purchase

Question :  In my case the land developer has exceeded the originally proposed schedule and also he has changed the originally proposed location. I have chosen not to proceed with the purchase and have sought refund of the amount paid however the seller is making excuses and is not willing to release funds.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me immediately - 7599486095

Subject :  Blood stained pills

Question :  I would like to know if I can sue Walmart pharmacy for giving me a prescription drug (pills) with blood stains on them??

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me immediately - 7599486095

Subject :  Reg mortgage

Question :  How can a mortgage property to be registered in the name of the lender.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me immediately - 7599486095

Subject :  Child visitation rights

Question :  My child lives with his mother in a different city. His mother is not letting me meet him for many months....ever since i had a healrh issue early last year. Please advise about my rights in such a situation

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me immediately - 7599486095

Subject :  Need advice in medical negligence case in NCDRC

Question :  In Balendra Kumar vs Ministry Of Labour & Employment on 20 April, 2017 central information commission has given its decision that file not traceable cannot be a valid reason for not providing information under RTI act. I want to know whether I can give the citation of this judgment in NCDRC in a medical negligence case, wherein the hospital is not giving information to the complainant / patient giving the reason that the said file is not traceable.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me - 7599486095

Subject :  Regarding payment of wages by government.

Question :  Sir I am a government teacher working in a school .Government has not paid us our monthly salary alongwith other employees citing budget shortage.It has been more than 4 months that we have not been paid salary inspite of giving notices through our teachers union.Sir ,what action can we take regarding this?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  You can contact me immediately 7599486095 and 9810058775 I already filed an appeal before the Supreme Court on behalf of teachers belong to Bihar State and the situation is worst in that State bcoz teachers didn't get the salary for the last 2 years approximately. If Teachers can't get salary than how can they survive ? its a question before the Supreme Court which i asked from Bihar State Government.


Question :  A Shop was allotted before 20-22 years to the undersigned by Municipal Committee, Haryana on monthly depositing of Rs. 600/= per month, which at present is Rs.800/= per month. The Shop has been issued in my name. Before 8-10 years, on faith / trust of any person, the same shop was given by the undersigned to that person for using the same for 10-12 months but that person[ to whom the shop was given by the undersigned] started depositing monthly amount of Rs. 800/= directly in the Municipal committee, HOWEVER THE SLIPS ISSUED BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE ARE STILL IN MY NAME, TO WHOM THAT FELLOW IS COLLECTING FROM THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE. Secondly, that person is not vacanting my shop. ---- Two important points to note in this case is that on the advice of any fellow when I asked Municipal Committee to give the terms & conditions on which the shop was granted to the undersigned with the help of RTI, then Municipal Committee confessed by given in writing [ in the court of State Commission, Chandigarh] that they have no idea of rules / regulations of allotting this shop to the undersigned. ---Last year a legal councel sent a notice to the person keeping the shop at present from my side asking him that the said shop was given to him in emergency for 6-8 months use only & asked him to vacate the shop. NOW ALMOST EVERY FELLOW SAYS THAT THE THE WRONG NOTICE HAS BEEN SERVED BY MY LEGAL COUNCEL BEFORE ONE YEAR. --- Sir, On what basis my this above shop can be vacate. There can be any type of mishappening in this shop as it is in my name. So, I want whether the shop may got vacate or if not possible of vacate, then the same may go into the custody of Municipal Commiitee.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me immediately - 7599486095 and 9810058775


Question :  A Shop was allotted before 20-22 years to the undersigned by Municipal Committee, Haryana on monthly depositing of Rs. 600/= per month, which at present is Rs.800/= per month. The Shop has been issued in my name. Before 8-10 years, on faith / trust of any person, the same shop was given by the undersigned to that person for using the same for 10-12 months but that person[ to whom the shop was given by the undersigned] started depositing monthly amount of Rs. 800/= directly in the Municipal committee, HOWEVER THE SLIPS ISSUED BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE ARE STILL IN MY NAME, TO WHOM THAT FELLOW IS COLLECTING FROM THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE. Secondly, that person is not vacanting my shop. ---- Two important points to note in this case is that on the advice of any fellow when I asked Municipal Committee to give the terms & conditions on which the shop was granted to the undersigned with the help of RTI, then Municipal Committee confessed by given in writing [ in the court of State Commission, Chandigarh] that they have no idea of rules / regulations of allotting this shop to the undersigned. ---Last year a legal councel sent a notice to the person keeping the shop at present from my side asking him that the said shop was given to him in emergency for 6-8 months use only & asked him to vacate the shop. NOW ALMOST EVERY FELLOW SAYS THAT THE THE WRONG NOTICE HAS BEEN SERVED BY MY LEGAL COUNCEL BEFORE ONE YEAR. --- Sir, On what basis my this above shop can be vacate. There can be any type of mishappening in this shop as it is in my name. So, I want whether the shop may got vacate or if not possible of vacate, then the same may go into the custody of Municipal Commiitee. I AM READY TO ENGAGE ANY LEGAL COUNCEL WHO WITH GUARNTEE AN HELP ME IN EITHER VACATING OF THE SHOP OR MAKING THE SAME IN CUSTODY OF MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Contact me immediately - 7599486095 and 9810058775

Subject :  My brother wife has filed the 498A case directly in Court,,,we didn't get any summon from Court till now,, should we take anticipatory bail in advance??

Question :  My brother wife has filed the 498A case directly in Court,,,we didn't get any summon from Court till now,, should we take anticipatory bail in advance??

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  No need to worry in 498A cases because as per SUPREME COURT guidelines no one will arrest you. For any help please contact - 7599486095

Subject :  My brother's wife moved to her maternal home along with all jewelry,clothes and with 6 years old girl child.my brother is planning to divorce her due to her quarreling nature.

Question :  After divorce,who will get the custody of girl child ?my brother or her wife?

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  your brother will get the custody 8882512255

Subject :  What should

Question :  What precaution should take if there is wife threat that she will file fake case of domestic voilance and send you to jail.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Wait for her step and if she file the DV case than take anticipatory bail and if you get it than nobody will arrest you. if any problem than - 9810058775 and 8882512255

Subject :  What should

Question :  What precaution should take if there is wife threat that she will file fake case of domestic voilance and send you to jail.

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Wait for her step and if she file the DV case than take anticipatory bail and if you get it than nobody will arrest you. if any problem than - 9810058775 and 8882512255

Subject :  My brother wife has filed the 498A case directly in Court,,,we didn't get any summon from Court till now,, should we take anticipatory bail in advance??

Question :  My brother wife has filed the 498A case directly in Court,,,we didn't get any summon from Court till now,, should we take anticipatory bail in advance??

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Yes anticipatory bail allowed by court in your matter.

Subject :  Gift deed

Question :  If a gift deed is made by any member of the girls house after the death of the father and takes her sign can the deed be challenged later on ? (Under Hindu law)

Answer by M/s. LEGAL TYCOON :  Yes it is challenged in Competent Court of Law. Sanjay Verma Advocate-Supreme Court of India 9810058775