M. K. Viswanath (11 Years Exp)

  RERA Administrative Tribunal (Show More)   

 Mambalam R.S. , Chennai

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Law Firm Name : M. K. Viswanath

Country : India

City : Chennai

Area : Mambalam R.S.


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Practicing Since :  2014

Qualification : BA LLB


Practice in land litigation, consumer court cases and family court matters.

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Enrolment No Enrolment State Enrolment BAR
1627 Tamil Nadu Bar Council of Tamilnadu and Pudhuchery


 Consumer,Product&Service Liability

 Contract & Drafting

 Family & Divorce

 High Courts (India)

 Human Rights



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Subject :  Research study data protection

Question :  I am the principal investigator of a reasearch study funded by the Department of Science and Technology. The study was completed and the paper was published. It has now come to my notice that there are people around me who wants to use the data I had collected for my study, for other purposes. I would like to prevent that from happening as all the data collected was my sole idea and hardwork. Please guide me as to how to prevent this.

Answer by M. K. Viswanath :  If it is a purely academic piece of research, nothing can be done. However, if it can be used for commercial purposes, like creating a new product, it may be patented. You would have to apply for a patent, and then you would have exclusive right over the intellectual property.

Subject :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and people worship with pooja on specific days of the week. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Question :  I have a ganapathy idol in my home front compound wall. this is used by passer by and I worship with pooja on specific days of the week where general public join. I want to know of any legal way to protect my land area in future if some public petitions it for a temple construction. what need to be done on my side for legal coverage.

Answer by M. K. Viswanath :  There is nothing to worry. Just see that you do not take any donations or contributions from the general public for the pooja. Nothing needs to be done separately to protect your property from going to public trust.

Subject :  Medical Negligence case

Question :  I had filed a medical negligence case for 2nd time in NCDRC in 2016 ( Under Fresh and Continues cause of action and discovery of new facts due to past medical negligence), which was admitted but later it was dismissed on maintainability 2019. Again I filed a Review Application in NCDRC against the Judgement passed by NCDRC. Last week NCDRC has dismissed the Review Application also. Now what are the legal options available for me to proceed in this matter? Please guide.

Answer by M. K. Viswanath :  You can file an SLP in the Supreme Court