Bhadres A. Bhatt Advocate (9 Years Exp)

  Banking Matters (Show More)   

 Harni , Vadodara

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Law Firm Name : Bhadres A. Bhatt Advocate

Country : India

City : Vadodara

Area : Harni


Heading Courtesy Date
No Articles


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No News

Practicing Since :  2015

Qualification : B.A,LLB


Enrolment Details

Enrolment No Enrolment State Enrolment BAR
G/3052/2016 Gujarat Vadodara


 Arbitration & ADR

 Corporate & Regulatory

 Consumer,Product&Service Liability

 Contract & Drafting

 Criminal Law

 Family & Divorce

 High Courts (India)

 IP, Trademark & Copyright

 Employment, Labor & Service

 Motor Vehicles

 Startup & Registrations





 Non Resident Indian (NRIs)

 Pre Negotiated Services


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Subject :  Consumer Protection (Non Advocate) Regulation Act 2014 formed by NCDRC.

Question :  I want to know as per consumer protection (non advocate) regulation act 2014 formed by NCDRC, if an advocate has taken accreditation of any state consumer forum on that basis can he appear in National consumer forum?

Answer by Bhadres A. Bhatt Advocate :  yes he can appear

Subject :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Question :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Answer by Bhadres A. Bhatt Advocate :  you will filing suit against of rental company