Shrijan Shukla (15 Years Exp)

  Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Show More)   

 Raipur , Raipur

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Law Firm Name : Shrijan Shukla

Country : India

City : Raipur

Area : Raipur


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Practicing Since :  2010

Qualification : B.A.LLB


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CG/235/2010 Chhattisgarh 1742


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 High Courts (India)

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Subject :  Early hearing of medical negligence case in NCDRC

Question :  Hello Sir, I am physically challenged person by birth and I have filed a medical negligence case in NCDRC which is pending from long time, I want to know if I can ask for an early hearing and disposal of my case in NCDRC, there is any provision in law for early hearing and disposal of cases in medical negligence cases for physically challenged people, if yes can you tell me the under which section and sub section I can demand for an early hearing and disposal of my complaint in NCDRC?

Answer by Shrijan Shukla :  There is no specific provision, but you can file the urgent hearing hearing application and the same will be heared on merit and there after you can go for the hearing of the case.