Adv. Jamal Sait (10 Years Exp)

  Motor Vehicles Insurance Claims (Show More)   

 Nayandahalli , Bangalore

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Law Firm Name : Adv. Jamal Sait

Country : India

City : Bangalore

Area : Nayandahalli


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Practicing Since :  2015

Qualification : BBA, LLB


Advocate Jamal Sait has been practicing and handling civil, criminal and corporate cases before High Court of Karnataka & other lower courts in Karnataka independently with a result-oriented approach, both professionally and ethically has professional experience in providing legal consultancy and advisory services. He provides services in the various fields of law, that is, Criminal Law. Property Law, Cheque Bounce, Muslim Law, Civil, Consumer Court, and drafting and vetting of various agreements and documents. Advocate Jamal enrolled with the Bar Council of Karnataka and Panel Advocate to LLP's

Enrolment Details

Enrolment No Enrolment State Enrolment BAR
1327 Karnataka Karnataka Bar Council


 Arbitration & ADR

 Contract & Drafting

 Criminal Law

 High Courts (India)

 Human Rights

 Motor Vehicles

 Startup & Registrations



 Insolvency and Bankruptcy

 Commercial, Business & Industry


 Real Estate & Construction

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Subject :  Will Deed Schedule

Question :  How can I mention the schedule of an apartment in a Will Deed? Do I have to include the (1)Description of entire Property, (2) description of undivided interest and then (3) Description of apartment?

Answer by Adv. Jamal Sait :  Its very important that you draft Will in clear and unambiguous words. Schedule of the Property from identification of the property if there is any confusion. My advice is, as you are bequeathing an apartment, you should make the schedule of the apartment and not the Survey No./Site No. Bounded by East, West, North & South.

Subject :  Need advice in medical negligence case in NCDRC

Question :  In Balendra Kumar vs Ministry Of Labour & Employment on 20 April, 2017 central information commission has given its decision that file not traceable cannot be a valid reason for not providing information under RTI act. I want to know whether I can give the citation of this judgment in NCDRC in a medical negligence case, wherein the hospital is not giving information to the complainant / patient giving the reason that the said file is not traceable.

Answer by Adv. Jamal Sait :  It depends on which type of hospital it is. If its a government hospital they have to provide information. If not then it will be contesting matter.

Subject :  Regarding payment of wages by government.

Question :  Sir I am a government teacher working in a school .Government has not paid us our monthly salary alongwith other employees citing budget shortage.It has been more than 4 months that we have not been paid salary inspite of giving notices through our teachers union.Sir ,what action can we take regarding this?

Answer by Adv. Jamal Sait :  You can appoach labour commissioner/ file a complaint in labour court is your salary is is less than 18,000 per month/if you covered with payment of wages act.

Subject :  Regarding payment of wages by government.

Question :  Sir I am a government teacher working in a school .Government has not paid us our monthly salary alongwith other employees citing budget shortage.It has been more than 4 months that we have not been paid salary inspite of giving notices through our teachers union.Sir ,what action can we take regarding this?

Answer by Adv. Jamal Sait :  You can appoach labour commissioner/ file a complaint in labour court is your salary is is less than 18,000 per month/if you covered with payment of wages act.