Parimal Redkar (11 Years Exp)

  Employees Provident Fund Appellate Tribunal (Show More)   

 Panaji , North Goa

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Law Firm Name : Parimal Redkar

Country : India

City : North Goa

Area : Panaji


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Practicing Since :  2014

Qualification : Bcom LLB


I am an advocate with 3 years experience in civil law. I practice in all courts Trial Court, District, Tribunal, High Court, Consumer Court, Mamlatdar, Dy Collector, Collector and all other related forums.

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MAH/2077/2005 Maharashtra & Goa Maharashtra & Goa


 Arbitration & ADR

 Consumer,Product&Service Liability

 Contract & Drafting

 Family & Divorce

 High Courts (India)

 Human Rights

 Employment, Labor & Service

 Motor Vehicles





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Subject :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Question :  Car rental company not returning security deposit


Subject :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Question :  Car rental company not returning security deposit

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  do you have an agreement with you. kindly mail the agreement and call me on 9890544513 for further assistance. you will have to send a legal notice to the company for refund of the security deposit. But by the way why you want the refund.


Question :  Dear Sir, A shop was allotted by Municipal Committee before 13-14 years on rental basis[ monthly rent about Rs.800/= per month]. Before 7-8 years, a known fellow of me asked me to use the shop for six months. As my shop was empty at that time i.e before 7-8 years. So, I gave my shop to him for six month to him on trust. After six month, when I asked him to vacate the shop then he started fighting with me. Thereon, he started depositing rent in the municipal committee directly & started collecting the rent slips from the Municipal Committee. THE IMPORTANT POINT IN THIS CASE TO NOTE IS THAT THE RENT SLIPS ISSUED TO THAT PERSON BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMIITTEE IS STILL IN MY NAME [ i.e that person is depositing the rent on monthly basis in my name ]. ALSO ONE IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE IS THAT DURING LAST YEAR I PREPARED BANK DRAFT FOR RENT OF THREE MONTHS FROM MY ACCOUNT[ THROUGH MY BANK ACCOUNT CHEQUE] & SENT THE SAME TO THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE, WHO RECEIVED THE SAME & MADE ENTRY OF THREE MONTHS RENT FROM MY SIDE IN THEIR ACCOUNT, 1] Thereby confirming the deposition of rent amount from my own bank account. 2] Also One more point to note is that before six month a legal counsel / advocate of mine sent notice to that fellow mentioning in the legal notice that shop was given from my side on ‘ Trust ‘ for six months only & mine legal counsel addressed him to vacate the same. Sir, Few my known legal experts are saying that the notice given by my councel / Advocate [ saying that the shop was given on trust basis, as mentioned in the legal notice] is wrong. Reason being, the shop has been allotted to the undersigned by municipal committee on rent basis. 3] When I asked to the Municipal Committee to tell about the ‘’ Allotment Conditions ‘’ with the help of RTI then MC could not reply & at last when the case gone to INFORMATION COMMISSION, Then there the Municipal Committee confessed by giving in writing that they[MC] have no record of the same. Now, In above circumstances, whether the legal notice given by my councel to that fellow is wrong or right & how to vacate the shop. Thanks, [ Shiv kumar]

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  My question to you is was the person who you allowed to occupy the space in the municipal shop was given by you on rent and whether you have made any agreement to that effect. And secondly does your name show in the municipal records? Accordingly i will be able to answer your question in further details. If you have made a rent agreement with him then the notice issued by your lawyer is proper. However if you have not made any rent agreement option is : a) By taking confidence of the municipality make the municpality to vacate the person in occupation. b) File a suit for possession of the property on basis of the municipality records being in your name and that you had given the said shop to run business without any consideration for you as he had a friendly relation. He was a very good friend of yours or something like that. and now due to some indifferences you asked him to vacate the premises as you wanted to do the business now. Best advantage is that you the municipal shop is in your name. You may have to do the municipality as a party as the said shop belongs to them. Kindly apply for the municipal records which are in your name.

Subject :  Things to see while executing leasse agreement

Question :  Hi,,, we want to hire an office space for approximate 03 years period time,,, please guide about the documents/things/formalities to keep in mind while executing Lease Agreement

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  Kindly check the title documents of the owner of the office. ie the sale deed, check whether any loans have been taken . But the ownership documents will suffice as you would be leasing the property. secondly check if the electricity bills have been paid till the date you shall lease the office. Otherwise nothing much.

Subject :  Basic inquiry required

Question :  what is dowry ? and what we can do for dowry harassment ? (Hindu Religion)

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  dowry’ means any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly: by one party to a marriage to the other party to the marriage; or by the parents of either party to a marriage or by any other person, to either party to the marriage or to any other person;at or before or any time after the marriage in connection with the marriage of said parties but does not include dower or mahr in the case of persons to whom the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) applies. You can make a police complaint u/s 494A, and also for domestic violence , mental torture

Subject :  Protection for the employees from management

Question :  My manager tortures me interms of productivity and speaks very rudely and commanding for which I do not have a proof how can I be helped here

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  Try to do some recording on mobile whenever such event happens. and then file police complaint for mental torture and also in labour department accusing him of harassment at work place. Hope you have letter of employment .


Question :  Dear Sir, A shop was allotted by Municipal Committee before 13-14 years on rental basis[ monthly rent about Rs.800/= per month]. Before 7-8 years, a known fellow of me asked me to use the shop for six months. As my shop was empty at that time i.e before 7-8 years. So, I gave my shop to him for six month to him on trust. After six month, when I asked him to vacate the shop then he started fighting with me. Thereon, he started depositing rent in the municipal committee directly & started collecting the rent slips from the Municipal Committee. THE IMPORTANT POINT IN THIS CASE TO NOTE IS THAT THE RENT SLIPS ISSUED TO THAT PERSON BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMIITTEE IS STILL IN MY NAME [ i.e that person is depositing the rent on monthly basis in my name ]. ALSO ONE IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE IS THAT DURING LAST YEAR I PREPARED BANK DRAFT FOR RENT OF THREE MONTHS FROM MY ACCOUNT[ THROUGH MY BANK ACCOUNT CHEQUE] & SENT THE SAME TO THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE, WHO RECEIVED THE SAME & MADE ENTRY OF THREE MONTHS RENT FROM MY SIDE IN THEIR ACCOUNT, 1] Thereby confirming the deposition of rent amount from my own bank account. 2] Also One more point to note is that before six month a legal counsel / advocate of mine sent notice to that fellow mentioning in the legal notice that shop was given from my side on ‘ Trust ‘ for six months only & mine legal counsel addressed him to vacate the same. Sir, Few my known legal experts are saying that the notice given by my councel / Advocate [ saying that the shop was given on trust basis, as mentioned in the legal notice] is wrong. Reason being, the shop has been allotted to the undersigned by municipal committee on rent basis. 3] When I asked to the Municipal Committee to tell about the ‘’ Allotment Conditions ‘’ with the help of RTI then MC could not reply & at last when the case gone to INFORMATION COMMISSION, Then there the Municipal Committee confessed by giving in writing that they[MC] have no record of the same. Now, In above circumstances, whether the legal notice given by my councel to that fellow is wrong or right & how to vacate the shop. Thanks, [ Shiv kumar]

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  What else you can do is. Do not admit the notice is sent by you. One day when he is not around remove the material from the shop by break open it and put your lock and material in the shop. any type of material. When he will give a police complaint then ask him to show the municipal records or rent agreement. When he shows the notice deny it has been sent to you. Police will also not listen to his story as you have all documents in your favour.

Subject :  my brother-in-law's secret relationship

Question :  i doubt my brother-in-law has a secret relationship even before marriage and he is continuing it still.How to break their relationship and save my sister.

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  ask your sister to talk about it to her husband. Or you can talk to it to your brother in law or to that lady. Dont keep doubts, Confirm yourself first.

Subject :  Arrears of salary payable to a resigned employee

Question :  I resigned from a co op bank when only 14 months due for my retirement on health grounds in may 17.our MOS was due since july13 & the new MOS was signed in Oct 17.. As per the clause in MOS ,resigned employee is not eligible to get arrears of salary from retrospective date.. Can I claim arrears of salary from July 13 to Sept 17?What is legal option available for me?

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  Mos was signed earlier too. To give proper consultancy i need your signed mos to read and adv8ce you accordingly. So kindly forward the mos on my email id

Subject :  Can a American citizen born in India sell/transfer property to other in india

Question :  MRI property in India

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  When you are born in india you become an i dian citizen. Where exactly you are born. If you are born in goa different laws is applicable. If rest in india then different law. Could you please provide me your birth certificate and where the property is located. Please mail or contact me on phone

Subject :  Regarding changes in the division of residential land between owners.

Question :  Dear sir/madam, Near about 800 sq. yards of residential site was purchased from a a person by three sisters 15 years ago and the person who sold the site registered the land portions separately in each one's name. However, we would like to re-allocate the land portions due to some issues. 1) What is the legal procedure to be followed to re-adjust the registered land portions? Should we re-register the land with the new amendments? Some people have suggested an amendment agreement. IS it correct? If it is, please elaborate. 2) Who is empowered to make such changes in the document? Is the mutual agreement of the three sisters (the current land owners) sufficient? Or should the previous owner (who sold us the land) do the registration once again? 3) If any of the current owners want to sell their land portion to any third party, will there be any legal repercussions? Please clarify. Thank you for your time.

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  Hi Need to look at your documentation done. Where is the property located and where are you located. Whats your religion. Kindly provide details on my email or call back

Subject :  Early hearing of medical negligence case in NCDRC

Question :  Hello Sir, I am physically challenged person by birth and I have filed a medical negligence case in NCDRC which is pending from long time, I want to know if I can ask for an early hearing and disposal of my case in NCDRC, there is any provision in law for early hearing and disposal of cases in medical negligence cases for physically challenged people, if yes can you tell me the under which section and sub section I can demand for an early hearing and disposal of my complaint in NCDRC?

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  G.S.R. 342(E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 30A of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986), the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations, namely:- 26. Miscellaneous (6) The cases filed by or against the senior citizens, physically challenged, widows and persons suffering from serious ailments shall be listed and disposed of on a priority basis. In case of: Central Information Commission Mrs.Geeta Narain vs Ministry Of Communications And ... on 20 October, 2011 “all the applications for early hearing filed by any party including the cases filed as per Regulation 26(6) were listed before Bench No. 1 by the Registry. It is the judicial prerogative of the Bench to direct the Registry to list the case on out of turn while allowing the application for early hearing.”

Subject :  Consumer Protection (Non Advocate) Regulation Act 2014 formed by NCDRC.

Question :  I want to know as per consumer protection (non advocate) regulation act 2014 formed by NCDRC, if an advocate has taken accreditation of any state consumer forum on that basis can he appear in National consumer forum?

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  The act is for non advocate and not to advocates. An advocate can appear in national consumer forum snd state consumer forum.

Subject :  Gift deed

Question :  If a gift deed is made by any member of the girls house after the death of the father and takes her sign can the deed be challenged later on ? (Under Hindu law)

Answer by Parimal Redkar :  yes it can be challenged