Rishabh (11 Years Exp)

  Employees Provident Fund Appellate Tribunal (Show More)   

 Zirakpur , Mohali

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Law Firm Name : Rishabh

Country : India

City : Mohali

Area : Zirakpur


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Practicing Since :  2013

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2584/2013 Punjab Mohali


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Subject :  From whom should the damages be claimed after an accident?

Question :  While driving to college one morning, my friend got into an accident where a drunken tempo driver hit her two-wheeler and fell down, suffering from minor injuries. The owner of the temp, however, claims he is not responsible if the driver was drunk because he was not working that early in the morning. Whom should I claim the damages from for the damage done to the vehicle as well as the costs of minor injuries?

Answer by Rishabh :  Your right to clam ha accrued against the both driver and owner of driver. But if tempo was insured at the time of accident. Damages would be paid by insurance co. On behalf of driver and owner subject to the conditions for driver n owner lead in policy and MACT ACT.