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Question : A Shop was allotted before 20-22 years to the undersigned by Municipal Committee, Haryana on monthly depositing of Rs. 600/= per month, which at present is Rs.800/= per month. The Shop has been issued in my name. Before 8-10 years, on faith / trust of any person, the same shop was given by the undersigned to that person for using the same for 10-12 months but that person[ to whom the shop was given by the undersigned] started depositing monthly amount of Rs. 800/= directly in the Municipal committee, HOWEVER THE SLIPS ISSUED BY THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE ARE STILL IN MY NAME, TO WHOM THAT FELLOW IS COLLECTING FROM THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE. Secondly, that person is not vacanting my shop. ---- Two important points to note in this case is that on the advice of any fellow when I asked Municipal Committee to give the terms & conditions on which the shop was granted to the undersigned with the help of RTI, then Municipal Committee confessed by given in writing [ in the court of State Commission, Chandigarh] that they have no idea of rules / regulations of allotting this shop to the undersigned. ---Last year a legal councel sent a notice to the person keeping the shop at present from my side asking him that the said shop was given to him in emergency for 6-8 months use only & asked him to vacate the shop. NOW ALMOST EVERY FELLOW SAYS THAT THE THE WRONG NOTICE HAS BEEN SERVED BY MY LEGAL COUNCEL BEFORE ONE YEAR. --- Sir, On what basis my this above shop can be vacate. There can be any type of mishappening in this shop as it is in my name. So, I want whether the shop may got vacate or if not possible of vacate, then the same may go into the custody of Municipal Commiitee.
Answer By Lawyer : Contact me immediately - 7599486095 and 9810058775