The Delhi High Court issues notice in response to a PIL that demands sign language to be recognised as an official language in I Dia and be incorporated in its eight schedule. The bench was being headed by Justice Ranjan Menon and Justice Kameshwar Rao. They issues a notice to the respondents to file their counter affidavits in the matter. The matter will be taken further on December 5. The court was approached by disability rights activist and founder of NipmanFoundation, Mr Nipun Malhotra. He was being represented by advocate Jai Dehadrai. In his petition he said that there needs to be the protection, preservation, propagation, and recognition of the signs and gestures exercised by disable people. This must be done by recognising 'Indian Sign Language'.
The petition points out that though there are several people with hearing and speech difficulty, yet there is no such recognition of sign language. Such a recognition would in turn facilitate a number of public tasks including appearing for examinations like the UPSC. The petitioner asserts that right to communication is granted by the Right to Speech and Expression under Article 19 of the Constitution. Inclusion of sign language would make the disable people feel at ease to communicate also make them feel a oneness with the nation and surroundings as a whole. The inclusion would also be in consonance with Article 14 guaranteeing equality. It would be a progress in line with other developed nations like Australia, Dnemark, Chile etc. The petitioner urged the court to pass the order in nature of Mandamus also asking the respondents to recognise this as an official language.