For financial and administrative functions, the Delhi Judicial Academy has been merged with the Delhi High Court , the recommendation for which had been made in February by the by the Judicial Education and Training Programme Committee. Further to this merger all sanctions will be taken from the Hon’ble the Chief Justice through the Chairperson of the Judicial Education and Training Programme.
Additionally, the staff too has been merged with that of the High Court directly.The nomenclature of the Academy staff is to be the same as that of the High Court, as per their cadre. The notification read, officials of the Delhi Judicial Academy so merged will be put at the lowest rank in the seniority list of their respective categories/cadre, and their inter-se-seniority shall be the same as with the Delhi Judicial Academy. For the same, the staff have been asked to submit an no objection undertaking. Lastly, any other matter which arises from the merger will be dealt by the Judicial Education and Training Programme Committee in due course.