Bangladesh's first Hindu Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha, who is the first Hindu to be appointed as Chief Justice of the Muslim majority nation, faced graft and money laundering allegations, has resigned a month after he went on leave abroad amid a row with the government over a crucial Supreme Court judgement
The Chief Justice had been on leave for past one month, and had gone oversees, reportedly staying in Singapore and Australia.
Before leaving home, Sinha said he "firmly believes" that his stance over the verdict was misinterpreted to the government, upsetting Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina but expected her to realise soon the fact.
Initially, the Law Minister gave a statement saying that the Chief Justice had gone on sick leave as he was suffering from cancer. However, in a stunning statement issued on the 13th of October, Justice Sinha gave a sheer denial of his sickness, and stated that he will return soon. He also stated that he was embarrassed with the criticism made against him by politicians and government by misinterpreting his judgment which struck down a constitutional amendment.
The Government was also not happy with some of the remarks made by the Chief Justice against politicians. He was also accused of passing belittling remarks against the Father of Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, in the judgment striking down constitutional amendment.
"Sinha's resignation day will be marked as a black chapter," Former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia said accusing the government of "smashing independence" in the judiciary.