The Delhi HC on Wednesday dismissed a petition filed by the senior army officers Lieutenant Colonel P.K. Choudhary, challenging the order of the Director-General of Military Intelligence, directing Indian army personnel to delete their accounts from social media platforms like Facebook Instagram & 87 others.
The army official stated in his petition that the soldier while living in remote areas uses social media apps like Facebook, Instagram as a means to virtually connect to their families and relatives. He even said that he had used his social media account in a very responsible way as per the guidelines that are issued by the Indian Army from time to time and he has never shared any sensitive information relating to his duties as an Army Officer on any of his social media accounts.
The petitioner had even said that the policy which bans the use of social media platforms is illegal, arbitrary, and violative of their fundamental rights.
The court had said that the use of social media accounts by their defense personnel is enabling the enemy countries in gaining an edge, the courts would be loath to interfere. The court said that the ban has only been imposed on the use of certain social media applications, the other means of communication are still available to the army officers.
“Even if there is an error in the respondents issuing the impugned policy and direction, without complying with the procedure prescribed in Section 21 of the Army Act, considering that the issue has an element of urgency and concerns the safety and security of the entire country, we do not deem it necessary to, for the grievance of the petitioner only, render an adjudication on the questions urged and which may require us to refer to the documents and materials shown to us in confidence.”
-Delhi HC.
Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw and Asha Menon while pronouncing the order said, “Sorry we are dismissing. Thank you.”