Rona Wilson was accused in the Bhima Koregaon case and depending upon the forensic reports, he has demanded SIT investigation and compensation. He had requested before the court to reject the FIR and charge sheet which was filed before the trial court by the police against him. Wilson had asserted that the documents were planted on his computer by malware. Wilson had also asked for damages as his reputation was harmed and unnecessarily he had faced harassment in the false accusation of the case. On the basis of forensic reports released by the US-forensic lab, Arsenal Consulting, which already stated that the computer of Wilson was taken hold by the Pune Police, and during the two years, the malware was present in the computer. Wilson also stated that the malware had created such documents that could prove him guilty in the Prosecution.
Wilson has approached the America Bar Association through his lawyers and sought a clone copy of the electronic documents which was provided to him after the charge sheet was filed. While carrying out the investigation, the ABA had examined the documents. It was observed that the email was sent from an unspecified person from Dr. Varavara Rao’s computer. Dr. Varavara is the co-accused in this case. As per the report, the malware had created the incriminating documents against Wilson and also there is no such proof as it is not ascertained whether Wilson had the 2010 or 2013 version of Microsoft Word.
Wilson was convicted under Unlawful Activities Act in the Bhima Rao Case. The plea stated that when the investigation was carried, Wilson and his co-accused were hatching a conspiracy to annihilate the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Wilson stated that the evidence against him has not been found from his computer but it was found from the petitioner’s device. Wilson also stated that the documents are incriminating and tampered which was seized not in accordance with the law. Wilson had also requested to stay in the proceeding the plea gets completed and also he prayed to be released from the confinement.